When I walked into the hospital room the next evening, Doyle was sitting up in bed. He glanced up toward the door.
"I've been expectin' you. Come on in. Is Cordelia with ya?"
"Not right now. She'll be coming over in about an hour. You look better," I said awkwardly.
"Yeah, well, I should. They've been pumping me full of everything they can think of t'give me."
"Hey, seems to be working." His color was better, and the unbandaged parts of his face looked fairly normal. His gaze as he looked at me seemed clearer, too, as though he could see straight through me.
Of course, he always could, from the first time we met.
'Well," he said abruptly, "I suppose I should start by sayin' I'm sorry. I was rude, considerin' all the effort you've put in to bring me back and all. I know you cut the best deal you could get. The oracles ain't exactly known for bein' generous."
"If I could-"
"You'd have done better, I know. Gotta play the hand you're dealt and all that good noise. I understand."
"I'd have given them anything they asked," I said softly.
"I know." He smiled a little then, but it was a sad one. "When I was a boy I had a teacher who used to go on and on about Max Kolbe, the whole give-your-life-for-a-stranger trip. Always wondered if I could do that, but the truth is, I'm still wonderin', because the Listers really didn't have all that much to do with what happened."
"I know."
"So I think I understand where you were comin' from, kind of the same place where I was. Scary, huh?"
"You know it."
I looked at him and we both knew there wasn't anything more we could say. He understood well enough, but that only helped so much.
"What can I do?" I asked.
"Well, don't go treatin' me like some delicate flower, for a start. I plan to have m'self some fun this year. It's a longer goodbye than I expected t'get. I plan to take full advantage of it."
"Doyle -"
"Hey, it's grace time, man. Like every other gift, got a price tag on it, but that goes with th' territory. So, maybe we'll get time enough that I can show ya the old place in Dublin. You been back over there this century?"
"No, can't say as I have. Of course there wasn't much left of my old village by the time I left it, some two hundred-odd years ago, so I can't offer to return the favor."
"Well, I know flyin' can be a challenge for those of the vampire persuasion."
"If you want me there with you, I'll find a way."
"I believe you will, at that."
I wasn't sure whether I was relieved or disappointed when Cordelia showed up. "Hey." Her voice sounded almost shy, at least for Cordelia, as she came in the door. "Hey yourself." I watched the way his face lit up when he saw her. It was good to see him smile like that. No, I wasn't going to let it bother me that it was for Cordelia. Why would I expect it to be for anyone else? Cordelia had obviously gone to some extra trouble to prepare for this visit. She looked even more beautiful than usual. Doyle gave her an appreciative look. "You look absolutely stunning this evenin', princess. What, is that all for me?" "Well, it would be utterly wasted on Angel, wouldn't it?" she answered. "And the doctors around here, none of them are young or good-looking or anything." She pretended to ponder the question. "No.... come to think of it, I don't see anybody else around here who is worth my attention." "Now, who are you and what did you do with Cordelia?" he teased as she approached the bed. "What, I can't be nice for a change? Maybe I got bored. So sue me." "Don't think so. Not too fond of lawyers." "Especially if they're from Wolfram and Hart," I agreed. Cordelia turned around and gave me a too-bright smile. "Angel, any chance you could pick me up a capuccino from the cafeteria? Take your time." Doyle laughed. "If that was supposed to be subtle, it wasn't." "I don't do subtle." "We've noticed," I said wryly, and with a quick smile at Doyle, I stepped out of the room. If she made him smile like that, how could I begrudge them any moments they could have together? CORDELIA Being nervous around Doyle was new. I didn't like it. A girl has to keep control of the situation, you know. That's key. Up until now, I'd always been way in-charge where Doyle was concerned, and I was just fine with that. This being scared, it is so not me. "You don't look nearly as awful as I thought you would," I told him bluntly as I heard Angel's steps retreating down the hall. "I'll take that as a compliment." He gestured at the bandages on his face. "These should come off tomorrow. They say I'm comin' along just fine." "That's good. Bet your face still hurts though, huh?" "Well, not too much." "Good, 'cause I don't want to blow any more auditions." "Huh?" "Oh, Angel didn't tell you? Typical. The only time you ever get straight talk out of him is when he turns evil." "You lost me here." "Okay, that's nothing new. I'll spell it out for you. You didn't actually forget that kiss you gave me?" His expression when I said that was enough that I couldn't help grinning, despite the fact that I was trying to act angry. "Well, while I was in the middle of a big audition for Stain-Be-Gone, which," and I lowered my voice, "I was totally screwing up anyway, you know, with the purely incidental crying part? Anyhow, whizz-bang, guess what I've got? One of your famous vision headaches. Not that I could make head or tail out of it anyway, but when I got back to the office to tell Angel, he wasn't even there, but he'd left me a note about you, and, actually, I may have completely forgotten to tell him in all the excitement." He looked stunned. "I gave you the visions?" "Well, duh, yeah, you did. So, the way I see it there is only one solution." "Uh... what?" "I kiss you again, of course. Not that, you know, I'd actually want to or anything... except that I actually, kind of... do." "This isn't about feelin' sorry for me, now, is it?" "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't do pity kisses. So, how much does your face hurt?" "Not enough to say no. But," he reached up a battered-looking hand to stop me as I came nearer, "I can't guarantee anything about the visions. I tend t' think the Powers have written me off already as a loss, y'know?" "Then the Powers are even more stupid than I thought. So, tell me when it hurts." Our eyes met first, and I knew it hurt already, even before I touched him. It didn't stop me.
Year of Grace, Chapter Four