Wiccan Dealings


E-mail: Send feedback to Sam
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own them (sad face); Joss does. I am only taking them out to play for a while and will return them when done.
Spoilers: all episodes and hidden subtext are open for grabs.
Archive: Gary, Bill, Quin, Stephanie, all others feel free to post them just send me an Email to let me know.
Pairing: B/T & B/W
Summary: The Slayer's Dilemma series: The Slayers Secret, Of love and Sorrow, Inner Struggle, Truth and Consequences, and now presenting Wiccan Dealings.
Notes of appreciation: Special thanks to Quin, for most graciously beta reading and revising this tale, an act that I am deeply grateful for.
Notes: As Willow works to gain Buffy's affection her relationship with Tara begins to change, what's a Slayer to do. Hope you enjoy.


Buffy sat in her dorm room holding the single red rose that she had found lying on her pillow She felt a lump begin to form in her throat as she read the note that was attached

 'Buffy my love,
                       I know now that for two years you gave me every chance to love you.
                       I only wish that it hadn't taken so long for me to realize how much I love
                       and need you.  I also know that you are in love with Tara and can only 
                       hope that somewhere in your heart you still have feelings for me.  This
                       rose is a symbol of my love for you, I hope you cherish it as much as I 
                       cherish you.
                                                                    Yours forever, Willow'

Tears began to roll down Buffy's face as she slowly moved the rose up across her cheek. She wondered if she was the luckiest person alive or if the fates had decided to mess with her mind. Not only did Tara love her but so did Willow, however Why does there always have to be a however? she found herself torn between the two of them, unable to choose, and fearing that if she didn't to something soon, she would loose them both. There has to be a way for me to keep both of them, I just need to find it.


Willow and Tara sat in the blonde's room staring at each other, neither one of them saying a single word, just staring. What was supposed to have been another magic practice session had quickly disintegrated into an uncomfortable silence, as both of the young Wicca tried to gauge their competition for the Slayer's heart.

"This is ridiculous, we can't just sit her looking at each other all day", Willow said, breaking the awkward silence.

Tara glared at the red headed Wicca for a moment before speaking. "Why are you doing this?"

"All I'm doing is trying to make conversation", Willow replied, knowing perfectly well what Tara was talking about.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. W-why are you trying to...take Buffy from me."

"Tara, I like you and the last thing I want to do is cause you pain but I couldn't keep my feelings bottled up any longer."

"It's not fair Willow, she gave you two years to try to love her but you didn't. So why when Buffy and I are happy together, do you have to come and tell her that you love her."

"Because I do, I can't help it. Somehow she became my entire world without me even realizing it. She's on my mind all the time, from the moment I wake up to till I fall asleep my thoughts are filled with everything Buffy."

"A-and mine aren't?! If that's what you think then y-your wrong...I love her....love her more than anything and every morning I wake up and thank the Goddess for sending her into my life", Tara cried.

Willow got up and went and knelt beside Tara. "I didn't mean to imply that you don't love her, I know you do, I also know that she loves you."

The blonde looked at Willow her eyes filled with tears. "She loves you too, that's the problem"

Both the Wicca sat there for several minuets as the tears freely flowed down their cheeks, both of them afraid of losing Buffy to the other. This time it was Tara who broke the silence. "W-we could u-use magic to settle this."

"What do you mean."

"A true love spell. We enchant a coin, do a quick chant, then toss it in the circle....the one that it land by.....is the one....t-that Buffy s-should be with.


Tara nervously held the enchanted coin as she and Willow sat opposite of each other, chanting on the outskirts of the circle. Both of them could feel their hearts momentarily stop beating as Tara tossed the coin into the air and they left their future happiness in the hands of the beloved Goddess.

"W-what now?" Tara inquired, as she and Willow watched the coin floating inches above the ground in the dead center of the circle.

"I honestly have no idea", a very confused Willow replied. .


Buffy was so lost to her thoughts as she continued to cling to Willow's rose, that she didn't hear the redhead returning from her magic session with Tara.

"Hey you", Willow seductively said.

"Hey", Buffy sighed.

"I see you got the rose. Did you...read the note?"

"Yeah, I read it."

Willow took a big gulp of air before speaking. "Good, because I meant every word, though there is something I didn't say in the note....something I wanted to save for when we where face to face."

Willow then gathered all her inner strength and sat down on the bed next to Buffy, taking the Slayer's hand she let out a soft sigh, it was now or never. She leaned closely into her friend and tenderly kissed Buffy's lips.

Buffy's heart was beating a mile a minute, the kiss that she had thought about for two years was everything she had ever hoped for and more. Without speaking Buffy wrapped her arms around the redhead and passionately returned it.


Tara gazed at the blonde beauty that stood in front of her. "Buffy what's wrong?"

Buffy hung her head down, she knew she couldn't keep a secret form her love. "I kissed...Willow"

Tara could feel her world begin to collapse, and silently prayed to the goddess that she wouldn't loose Buffy. "I s-see, so w-what now."

Buffy took Tara in her arms and gently embraced her. "I'm not sure, but I promise you that whatever happens that I will still love you and that when it's all over I'll be here in your arms."

"What about Willow?"

"I love her and would really like to be with her, I won't deny that. However I also love you and don't want to ruin one of the best things that ever happened to me."

"I am?"

"Yeah, you are", Buffy replied, as she kissed Tara's lips.


Tears poured down Willow's cheeks as she once again found herself staring at Buffy's empty bed The kiss that they had shared was amazing and she knew by Buffy's reaction that the Slayer felt the same way about it. There was no doubting now that Buffy loved her as much as she loved Buffy, the only problem seemed to be that Buffy also loved Tara just as deeply, but she could understand that. After all Tara was an extremely sexy girl and had lots of magical talents to go along with her sweet personality

Tara snuggled up close to Buffy and once again thanked the Goddess for sending the Slayer her way. All her earlier fears that Buffy might leave her had been erased by her tender kisses. She knew that Buffy was sincere when she said that they would be together no matter what, it didn't even bother her anymore that Buffy and Willow had kissed She understood how that might happen. After all, Buffy still carried strong feelings for the appealing redhead. She found Willow to be a mystery, powerful yet beautiful, shy but bold, she could defiantly see why Buffy loved her.

The End, for now.

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