TITLE: Good Guys Don’t Always Wear White (1/1)
EMAIL: Msant56428@aol.com
FEEDBACK: Always appreciated
DISTRIBUTION: Any list archive can have it...Anyone else just ask...
DISCLAIMER: If I owned it I wouldn’t be writing fan fiction...Song by Bon Jovi
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is just a silly song fic

"C’mon Angel," Cordelia pleaded as she followed Angel into his office.  "You haven’t even looked at it.  You might like it."

"No," Angel stated flatly as he sat down behind his desk.  "I told you no before you did it and I’m not going to change my mind now."

"But I worked so hard on it," Cordelia continued.  "Just watch it.  Please."

"Fine," Angel sighed in resignation.  "I’ll watch it, but it isn’t going to change my mind."

Cordelia squealed in glee and went out to her desk to retrieve the tape.  She brought it back into Angel’s office and proceeded to slide it into the VCR.

"You’ll love it," she gushed.  "I didn’t think I could do it with the whole mirror thing, but then I found out that they make camcorders and stuff that don’t use mirrors so I figured what the hell, might as well try and it worked.  You’ll love it."

"So you keep telling me," Angel sighed and rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming on.

"Okay, here we go," Cordelia grinned as she pressed play.

The snow on the screen was replaced by black and the music started.

You say you don't like my kind
A better picture in your mind
No it don't matter what I say
I hear ya bitchin' when I walk away
I'll never be what ya want me to be
You tell me I'm wrong but I disagree
I ain't got no apology
Just because I don't look like you, talk like you, think like you.
Judge and jury, a hangman's noose;
I see them in your eyes...

Angel is seen coming out of a dark alley. his coat billowing behind him.  He is attacked and quickly throws his attacker away.

Good guys don't always wear white
Good Guys don't always wear white
You judge a man who don't stand in line
Just because he ain't on your side
You know the man who wears those shoes
If you cut me don't I bleed like you?
Ya know I do

The scene changes to Angel holding a crying woman, the woman who was being stalked by her boyfriend.  He walks her to his car and they drive off.

I don't know whatcha been told
Can't buy guts with a pot 'o gold
A rich man's poor if he got no soul
Rich man, poor man, begger man can
All that shit don't mean a thing
Do you know which one's behind those eyes?
It's always a disguise...

The screen flashes with a menagerie of previous clients, both human and demon.

Good guys don't always wear white
Good Guys don't always wear white
You judge a man who don't stand in line
Just because he ain't on your side
You know the man who wears those shoes
If you cut me don't I bleed like you?
Ya know I do

Angel saving the actress flashes across the screen.

Hey baby...what side you on?
You think you got it all fired out,
Where we belong
Forget all about your dark dressed knight
Day from night,
Wrong from right...

A quick pan of the office with Wesley at the computer and Angel at his desk.

Good guys don't always wear white
Good Guys don't always wear white
You judge a man who don't stand in line
Just because he ain't on your side
You know the man who wears those shoes
If you cut me don't I bleed like you?
Ya know I do

The screen flashes with pictures of Doyle, Wesley and Cordelia.

Don't always wear
Don't always wear...

Finally a still of Angel with the Angel Investigations logo spinning under him.

Cordelia clapped happily as she stood to rewind the tape.

"So?" she asked expectantly.

"It was nice," Angel began.

"See I told you you would like it," Cordelia said smugly.  "Now we just need to..."

"But we aren’t going to use it," Angel continued.

"Why not?" Cordelia demanded.

"We’ve been over this before Cordelia," Angel sighed.  "We work for the visions you have."

"Well," Cordelia fumed, "maybe if we advertised some of these people would find us BEFORE I have a vision."

"And maybe not," Angel concluded.  "We can’t take that risk Cordelia."

"Fine," Cordelia spat.  "I try and help and this is the thanks I get."

"I told you not to do it," Angel reminded her.

Cordelia just glared at him, grabbed the tape and walked out of the office.  Angel sighed and sat back in his chair.  He had kind of hoped she would have forgotten the tape so he could watch it again.  It had been so long since he had seen his face and in his own humble opinion he was quite handsome.


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