TITLE: Survivor! (Prologue)
AUTHOR: de LA goddess;) aka *Witchy*
DISCLAIMER: character's aren't mine, the show Survivor isn't mine... only the plot is mine, and that is arguable, cuz there is really no plot...
SPOILERS: end of 4th season BtVS, 1st season Angel
PAIRINGS: Wouldn't you love to know?
RATING: PG right now... but it'll be moving on up... (but there is 1 little bad word...)
DISTRUBUTION: a lot of egroups
DEDICATION: to all the peeps who write feedback to me
FEEDBACK: at least 2 pieces, or the show will not go on...

7:24 p.m. Rupert Giles House, Sunnydale
(knock, knock)

Giles opened the door, "Hello."

The men at the door pushed him aside and stepped into the house. *Well, at least I know they're not vampires.* "What are you doing in my house?"

Ronnie (my head henchman) explained as the rest went through his house, apperently in search of something or someone. "Rupert Giles, I presume?" Gile's nodded his head. " I'm Ronnie. We're de LA goddess's... what would be the right word for this... henchmen. We were sent here to pick up a certain Former Watcher, Rupert Giles, a Slayer, Buffy Summers, a witch/hacker, Willow Rosenburg, a vampire, William the Bloody, aka Spike, a former commando, Riley Finn, a former vengence demon, Anya. Did I miss anyone? Ah yes, Xander. He isn't really currently or formerly anything, except a jokester." Giles narrowed his eyes. *Whoever this man is, whoever de LA goddess is, they know way too much about us.* "You'll have to come with us."

"Not until I hear an explanation a hell of a lot better than that."

"We only have our orders, Mr.Giles. The only other thing I can tell you is that neither you nor anybody else will be harmed in the making of this piece of fiction," he paused, "Well, at least no one who doesn't deserve it."

"Oh, this will be a piece of fiction? So its not really happening?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly put it like that. You are currently in de LA goddess's imagination, so to yourself you are real, just not really. And because de LA goddess, otherwise known as Witchy, is writing this, I'm just going to guess she's going to have you comply."

"I think you're right, because I'm going to go with you."

"Good. If you could just explain it to the rest of your group..." Just then there was a scream, and a shout of, "Get your bloody hands off her!"

Giles and Ronnie rushed into the next room to find Spike fighting off the henchmen, especially the one that was trying to drag Willow away. Riley was also fighting, but was being distracted by Buffy who kept trying to tell him that she wanted to move forward in their relationship. Xander and Anya were making out, completely oblivious to the havoc surrounding them. Giles and Ronnie whistled at the same time to get everyones attention. All parties halted they're activities at once.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Ronnie and de LA goddess's henchmen. They're here to pick us up and take us to..." He glanced over to Ronnie, unsure of how to explain.

"An uninhabited tropical island. Witchy is going to be writing a piece of fiction about you, and you need to be there for her to start it."

"I thought you said it was de LA goddess."

"Its the same perso- no, writer."

"A tropical island? Coolness. When do we leave?"

"Right now." And poof, they disappeared.

7:31 p.m. Angel Investigations

The door to Angel Investigations opened and some men burst in and one grabbed Cordelia, who yelled, "Guys, they're here!" The men were surprised at first, but then a look of understanding crossed all of their faces. Then Cordelia noticed that the guy who grabbed her hadn't let her go. "Get your hands off me, perv!" She pushed him away and he quickly let go of her. Wesley and Gunn came out of Angel's office, and Angel seemed to appear out of no where. "So these are the guys you say in your vision, Cordelia?"

"Yeah. Then they told us about some kind of goddess who was taking us to a tropical island. Oh, damn! I haven't packed my things yet!" Ronnie smiled. "You won't be needing them. Its time we got going. The rest will be explained to you when we get there. Lets see, we have the former May Queen, Cordelia, a vampire with a soul, formerly known as Angelus, Angel, another fromer Watcher, Wesley, a vampire-slaying... what were the words she used?... hunka manly man, Gunn... we're missing the policewoman, Kate, the lawyer, Lindsay, a former Slayer of sorts, Faith, and the half demon, Doyle. Witchy's going to be pissed if they don't show up soon..."

Cordelia didn't pay attention to the last words he said after she heard him say Doyle's name. "Doyle's dead." She said quietly, still greiving over the loss of her friend, who she now wished had been so much more.

"Nope. Not anymore. de LA liked what she saw of him this past season, she was really mad at Joss when he killed him off. She said, and I quote, "What the hell was Joss thinking?! God, I always have to clean up after him. Now I gotta bring Doyle back to life-"

"He's coming back?" Cordelia's eyes widened with the implications of this. *I've got another chance! There's no way I'm going to let this one slip away.*

"Yep. In fact, all missing parties should be arriving right-"

There was a bang, a knock, a crash, and a police siren.

"-Now" Doyle stepped out of the fog, Faith broke through the window, Lindsay stepped through the door, and Kate dashed in after him. "Everybody freeze!" She yelled, wildly pointing her gun around. There was a giggle in the backround. *Like hell I'm going to listen to you, Kate!* thought de LA goddess.

"We'll, good, now everybody's here. Time to go." Ronnie said, and poof, they disappeared.

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