The slayer’s secret

By: Sam

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don’t own them (sad face); Joss does. I am only taking them out to play for a while and will return them when done.
Spoilers: all episodes and hidden subtext are open for grabs.
Archive: Gary, Bill, all others feel free to post them just send me an Email to let me know.
Pairing: B/T
Notes: Somebody's been keeping a secret from her friends and now it‘s time to come clean. Feedback is strongly encouraged and appreciated, this is unchartered territory for me, please be gentle.


Buffy waited outside the door to Tara’s room hopping that she would get back soon so she could spend some time with her little blonde Wiccan before having to go out on patrol. The slayer couldn’t believe how fate had smiled upon her and allowed her to find Tara. It had started out so simply, all she had wanted to do was help Willow adjust to life without oz, so she started looking around at the various organizations on campus to try and find something that would help take her best friend’s mind off of that no good werewolf that had broken the red head‘s heart. That’s when fate stepped in and she found a Wicca group on campus. She had went and checked them out, thinking that not only might Willow meet some new people who had the same interested in magic that she did but they might even be able to help her with her magic. It’s not that she though Willow’s magic needed help she just wished to avoid anything along the lines of the Will be done spell the red head had cast, she still had to go and wash her mouth out every time she thought about how that particular spell had caused her to kiss Spike of all people. The whole time she was talking to one of the groups senior members she found that she was unable to take her eyes of off the blonde girl over in the corner. So after she had gotten all the information she needed for Willow Buffy decided to take a chance and ask the girl out and to her surprise the blonde had said yes.

Buffy’s thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled, "Hi Tara."

"Hi, w-waiting for someone?"

"Yeah." replied Buffy as she wrapped her arm around the girls waste.

"So w-want to come in."

"Don’t mind if I do."

Once inside Tara’s room Buffy wrapped her other arm around the blonde and brought her into a soft embrace, she then kissed her gently on the lips, "Miss me"

Tara smiled at the blonde slayer and quickly returned the kiss, "Y-yes."

The two girls then went over and sat down on the floor accrosed from one another, Buffy took Tara’s hands in her own, "So tell me about your day."

"It was nothing know classes and everything."

"Yeah, same here, so what do you want to do this weekend."

Tara took a moment to gather up her courage before telling her girlfriend what she was hoping to do this weekend, "I w-was wondering...if you would....i-introduce me to...the Scooby gang."

A frown came over Buffy’s face as she listened to Tara’s request, "Can’t I just keep you to myself for a little bit longer?"

"Buffy, I d-don’t understand, why don’t you want me to meet you’re friends. I mean they help you with slaying and everything..y-you‘re not a-ashamed of me....are you."

Buffy leaned forward and took Tara’s chin in her hand, "No, I love you, I am proud to be with you, it’s just that..."

"Just what?"

"It’s just that I don’t want to drag you into all the chaos that I have to face, I am constantly worrying about my friends every time a big evil pops up and I...I"

"Don’t want to put me at risk."

"Yes, I hope you understand."

Tara smiled at Buffy and then kissed her on the hand, "Yeah, I understand so I,ll give you a little more time, but I still want to meet them or at least know their names."

"Deal, just give me a little longer to adjust to everything and I promise one off these days I will introduce you to them."


As Willow helped Tara pick up after the Saturday morning Wicca meeting, she made a mental note to once again thank Buffy on insisting that she joined the Wicca group. Not only did her spells get better as she practiced with her magic partner but Tara had also become a good friend to her, second only to Buffy. Willows mind drifted as she thought about Buffy and how she could brighten up a room by just walking in, the slayers movements were so graceful, almost fluid like...

"Willow you s-still there," inquired Tara who noticed her friend seemed to monetarily drift off into space.

Willow quickly reorganized her thoughts, "Yeah, sorry about that I don’t know were my mind got off to."

Willow once again began helping Tara straighten up them a thought dawned on her, Her magic was a lot stronger when she and Tara cast spells together maybe should ask Tara to come over to Giles and introduce her to everyone, if she could get her new friend to join the group then she would be in a better position to help Buffy.

"Tara, could I ask you something."


"Me and some of my other friends are meeting this afternoon and I was wondering would you be interested in coming along?"

"What time?"

"Around four can you make it."

"Uh...W-will it be l-long...I sorta h-have a d-date tonight."

"No, probably an hour or so. So who is the lucky guy, anyone I know?"

"P-p-probably not....where do you want to meet?"


Willow stood outside her dorm waiting for Tara to show so they head to Giles. She wondered what it was about her that made two of her friends reluctant to talk to her about the people they were seeing or even introduce them to her. She could understand why Tara might be that way, after all she had not know the blonde Wicca for that long but Buffy was another story. They had been best buds since high school and had always been there to support one another, and now all the sudden she starts seeing someone and won’t let anyone know who. At first they all thought it was another Angel type thing but Buffy had reassured them it wasn’t, which put everyone's mind at ease but hers. The funny thing about all of this was that she wasn’t sure any more what bothered her most the fact that Buffy hadn’t brought her new love interest around or the fact that Buffy had a love interest..


Willow had just finished introducing Tara to Giles, Xander, Anya, and unfortunately Spike and they all were waiting for Buffy to show.

Giles looked at the young Wicca and smiled, "So Willow tells me you’re a witch like herself."

"Y-yes sir."

"That’s good, has she told you anything about us."

"N-not really."

"I see, would you care for some tea?"

Tara was becoming confused about what was going on, Willow had told her that her friends were having a type of meeting but everyone seemed to just be hanging out making small talk. She turned to Willow and ask, "Are we w-waiting...for someone?"

Before Willow could answer Spike began to laugh. Giles shot him a quick glance, "Care to enlighten us on what it is that you find so humorous?"

Spike looked at Giles smiling ear to ear, "Sure, Red brought her little witch friend here to meet the bloody slayer and neglected to tell her just who she was meeting."

Willow had hoped Giles and Buffy would be able to explain everything to her friend but Buffy wasn’t here yet and Spike had just let the cat out of the bag. She turned to Tara to try and explain what was going on only to noticed that the blonde had the deer in the headlights look. "Tara, are you OK."


"Yes, if you give me a second I will try to explain."

"Y-your the s-s-scooby gang."

Everyone in the rooms eyes were looked on Tara as they pondered how she knew about their little nickname, but before anyone could begin to question her the front door swung open.

"Hey Giles sorry I’m late but....." Buffy froze in mid sentence as soon as she spotted Tara in the room.

The Blonde witch quickly rushed to her side, "I-i’m s-sorry, I didn’t k-know they were your friends...I j-just came her to meet some of W-wilows friends."

"It’s OK, I wasn’t planning it this way but it seems fate has decided that it is time for me to come clean."

Giles walked over to the slayer, "Buffy what is going on here?"

Buffy wrapped her arm around Tara then turned to Willow, "I take it you two know each other from the Wicca group."

Willow shook her head in agreement with Buffy as she tried to figure out what was going on and why it was bothering her that Buffy had her arm around Tara.

"I also take it that everyone has already been properly introduced to Tara," Buffy paused for a second to make sure everyone one had, then she continued "I bet you guys are wondering what's going on. Allow to properly introduce Tara, my girlfriend and the woman I love."

Willow watched as the others quickly overcame the initial shock of the bomb Buffy had just dropped and began congratulating the two young women. She wanted to go over and join them, she wanted to tell them she was happy for them, but she couldn’t. All she could do was stand there and watch as Buffy held Tara up against her.

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