Title: Shades of gray
Author: Andrew E.
Email: axis@ansonic.com.au
Category: Buffy/Spike Friendship
Series: Third in “The Darkness and The Light” Series.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Up To Graduation part two
Distribution: Slayer Fanfic Achieve, Daydreams of BtVS, A Very Suave Very
Not Pathetic Slayerette Site, Any one else ask and you shale receive.
Summary: Spike and Buffy Get to talking about old time good and bad
Disclaimer: All BtVS characters and Concepts belong to Joss Whedon,
Warner Bros., and Mutant Enemy (AKA the Meanies). I Intend No Copyright
infringement this is A Non-Profit Work of Fan Art so please don’t sue.
Authors Note’s:(Text in these denotes thoughts)
The Slayer was looking deep into the eyes of one of the most deadly vampires ever sired William the bloody. Spike who earned his name from torturing his victim with railroad spikes. He was a mass of contradictions on one hand he could kill with out mercy or guilt. And had done so frequently. He was one of the world most powerful master vampires, yet on the other hand he caring side why else had he taken care of the insane vampire Drusilla for close to one hundred years. She had seen him when Drusilla had left him for Angelus he had been a broken man, body and sprit if he had a soul she would have said it must have died then and there. And with that caring side, came a sense of common sense. Most vampires killed without thinking, to them humans were just “happy meals with legs” yet he had been different he had betrayed Angel and Drusilla to stop the world from being sucked into hell. At first she had felt he had done purely for Drusilla his dark goddess but in time she had seen that he was right if the world had ended. The vampires of the world would have become one of lowest ranks on the food chain. And now she knew she had him just where she wanted him in the middle of her web. She threw back her head and gave a roaring evil laugh. He groaned as she said, “go fish”.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (
What am I doing here?) He asked himself for the hundredth time. Here he was sitting on the slayers living room floor playing games. And worse of all he was enjoying it he was enjoying making her smile. Enjoying laughing with her, he hadn’t felt this way since before he had came to Sunnydale, since before Prague when his Dark Goddess was still healthy. Since before Angelus had came back. He felt a pang of pain and guilt for not stopping Angel when he had tortured the slayer for months but in the back of his mind he was proud of her for not giving up for taking all he could give and throwing it back at him. Even after he had left Sunnydale with to go to Brazil. He had kept abreast of things in Sunnyhell. He knew of the fact that Angel had left the Slayer because he could not stand to be around her anymore. He felt more anger to his Sire that any one could threw anyway true love when they saw it he would give anything to have Dru back. He pushed that thought away nothing was going to bring Dru back. She was gone. Instead he focused on the Slayer he was surprised when he had awoke to find himself in her home demanding to knew why he had broken his word for the second time.
Surprised when she offered no hesitation as she took him in her arms and cried the pain away she had understood the pain the chaos demon’s curse had caused him not many humans would but she was not fully human. The fact that he couldn’t kill a human was almost too much to bear his demon screaming to feed, to kill. Not even the fact him could now walk in the sun was any comfort to tell the truth it hurt like bloody hell. With him threw it all she was there offering him her support. She was a ray of sunshine in his life. In the three days since she had taken him in he had started to live again. It still hurt and he didn’t doubt that the pain would not go away anytime soon but for now at least he had a purpose. He flashed the Slayer an evil smile and said “luv I do believe you owe me twelve hundred dollars for staying at the chateau De’Spike” he loved monopoly.
Spike took a long drag of his cigarette. Looking out at the stars he had always loved doing that. The slayer was sitting beside him on her front poach she had refused to let him smoke in her home. But it didn’t matter to him he loved the view. They had gotten talking about old times. him trying to kill her weekly and had a good old laugh about some of it. The only topic’s off limits where Dru and Angel by mutual unspoken agreement. Spike was brought out of his thoughts be her laughter. “You have got to be kidding” she managed to splutter out. He looked at her with a straight face and said “No I am not that loser Grouch showed up at my doorstep practically begging me to ‘Take Care Of them god’am Slayer’s’ luv” he said in his best cowboy accent. “and What did you do” she asked calming down a little. “I told him that I could have taken you any time in our stay I was only toying with you” Buffy snorted but spike went on uninterrupted “and that if he wanted to be a real vamp he’d have to kill you himself” Spike paused took another drag of his smoke and shook his head. “The Moron got so excited he jumped up right there and then and took off after you only forgetting it was daytime” they dissolved into fits of laughter again. Buffy was busy imagining the stupid Cowboy vampire dissolving into dust.
“What did you do to piss the moron so much any Slayer? I mean I heard about his brother” Spike asked looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
“oh I killed his wife with a spatula” she said matter of factly
Spike choked back a laugh “You what?” he questioned
“Trick you know Trick” He nodded “He ran this ‘SlayerFest’ with me and Faith as targets on homecoming night. Needless to say I was not happy with this and ended up killing most of the baddies except for Grouch” She finished with a small smile.
Spike was smiling too. He always felt that Trick was a moron trying to kill a slayer with a game was just plain stupid. On her homecoming night went beyond stupid even he knew you don’t piss off this slayer. You’ll end up dust.
He looked at Buffy and saw for the first time not the Slayer of his kind, not the broken young woman he had seen as he took Drusilla away from Sunnydale. He saw the person, a happy young Woman with great promise. For the first time He was sad for the fact that slayers had to die young. (well not this one she was here for me and I Will be here for her) he made himself a silent vow that this Slayer would have all the thing she deserved.
“Come on its getting cold let’s go inside” she said with a smile
He returned the smile and followed her.
Buffy ran up the stairs to get her slaying supplies. Slipping the stakes into the sheaves she moved to look in the mirror. For the first time in along while she was happy. She had someone to talk to. Of cause she had Willow and Xander. But they where different they supported her and sympathized unconditionally but they didn’t know what it felt like to be the slayer or any of the other thing’s she had to endure and she pray to a god that she didn’t believe in anymore that they never did. Spike knew what it was like to hide all the time, to never know when the next fight would be the last. And he knew what it was like to lose someone you loved. Buffy bounded down the stairs to find spike waiting for her.
“Where you going?” she asked lightly going into the kitchen to get a snack before leaving.
“With you” he said simply.
Her head snapped around she looked at him with wide eyes. “Umm this may sound stupid but Huh?” she quizzed
“Its simple luv you’re my friend possibly my only friend and I protect my friends” He said standing right in front of her Buffy could see the old fire in his eyes she used to dread it now she welcomed it. It meant Spike was healing. She nodded and they left for the graveyards of Sunnydale. The Vampires that night didn’t know what hit them. For the third time a soulless master vampire and Slayer fought side by side. Together they where a force to be reckoned with.
As they where walking home Buffy thought it was odd she was being helped by a soulless vampire who had try to kill her over and over again then it hit her, something Giles had once said. “Shades of gray. Nothing is Black and White.” He had said (Even immortal enemies can be friends if you look at the Shades of Gray.) She thought with a smile.