Rainy Night
Author: Nutmeg (lynn_teke@Hotmail.com)
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the plot.
Feedback: Very welcome!!!!!! Please be nice, first attempt at fic.
Author’s Note: Willow was drunk and had sex with Spike, now there both wondering what the others feelings are…
Blue Italics are thoughts

Willow walked the street slowly; hoping that somebody would offer a ride. Her red hair clung to her face in damp tendrils, due to the pouring rain. She knew that it was hopeless to expect to find him out here in this weather, but she had to try. The only sounds she heard were the pit-pit of the falling rain. Oh why can’t I find him? I know its stupid, but I have to know how he feels about me. Does he really have feelings for me? Or was it just ‘cause I was so smashed that I didn’t know what was what, that he made sweet love to me?

On the other side of the city:
Spike sat in his apartment staring out at the pouring rain. He knew it was wrong to keep thinking about her, but he couldn’t stop himself. After that night that he had made love to her he knew he couldn’t deny it any longer, he was in love with Willow. Was it just that she was smashed? Could she ever care about me? Prob’ly not, considering that I’m a demon and she’s…an angel. A redheaded angel that’s stolen my heart.

Spike threw on his duster and grabbed the keys to his black DeSoto; I’ll be damned if I’m just going to sit here like a simpering fairy! I’m going to find her and straighten this all out. He drove all over the city looking for her, just when he was about to give up and go home, he spotted a drenched figure walking down the street.

Willow turned at the sound of an engine, it was a black DeSoto with tinted windows. Her heart leapt, Could it be? Could he be out looking for me? Please let him be looking for me! She started towards the car, hoping against hope that it was Spike and that he was looking for her.

Spike knew it was Willow when he saw the red hair that he loved so much sticking to her face in damp tendrils. It was that red hair that had first attracted him to her. He smiled to himself She’s coming to me. That has to be a good sign, unless she just wants a ride out of the rain. Please let her want to be with me. He silently prayed to a God that he no longer believed in.

Willow reached the car when the passenger door was pushed open; Spike smiled at her “Where to Red?” She smiled at him and shrugged, “Doesn’t matter.” She slid into the seat and closed the door.

Spike was jumping out of his skin in excitement; Willow was with him, in his car, only a foot away. Maybe she does have feelings for me. Maybe I just have to show her that I love her. Please let her care for me. He looked over at her and smiled, she was so beautiful, he frowned slightly when he saw her shaking “Cold Pet?”

Willow realized she had been shivering when Spike asked her she was cold, she nodded her head yes, not trusting her voice. Spike handed her his black duster and she wrapped it around herself. She saw he was wearing a red silk shirt over a black T-shirt and black leather pants. Damn he looks good! I really shouldn’t be feeling like this towards a demon, but I can’t help it. Maybe it was more than me being smashed, maybe he has legitimate feelings for me.

Spike smiled at her again, she was so cute wrapped in his black duster. He knew that no matter what he couldn’t hurt her, not now, not ever. He remembered how he had threatened her with a broken bottle Damn, why do I have to be so blind? There’s no way she could care for me now. But with the chip in my head she knows I can’t hurt her. He pulled up in front of his place and unlocked the door to let Willow in.

Willow couldn’t believe her eyes Wow! I don’t believe it. He has one of the nicest places I’ve ever seen. That stereo system must’ve cost at least a couple grand. She smiled at Spike; “I like it. How long have you had a place of your own? We all thought you were still staying in a graveyard.”

Spike was giddy She likes it! Maybe she’s just being nice, but from the way she’s smiling at me I doubt it. I wonder what she’d do if I kissed her right now. WHOA! Down boy, make sure she doesn’t have a stake or something else to kill you with before you make a move. “I just moved in last week, I think that the only people who know that I’ve got my own place are you and the slayer.”

Willow’s eyes widened in surprise, “Buffy didn’t say anything to any of us.” Why wouldn’t Buffy tell me? “How does Buffy know?” Please don’t let him have been with her! No, Buffy would stake him if he tried anything.

Spike smiled at Willow, “The slayer saw me moving in, I didn’t mention it ‘cause I didn’t want any of you to know where I live so I could have some privacy.”
“But I like you knowing ‘cause you’re really nice and won’t be bugging me at all hours of the night to help against some demon, not that you bug me or anything like that, its just…”

Willow laughed to herself He’s nervous, its sweet in a demonic sort of way. I really want to kiss him… I’m sick of being reserved, I just hope he doesn’t freak out. Willow reached up and kissed Spike softly on the lips; Spike immediately pulled her head closer to deepen the kiss.

Spike couldn’t believe it She’s kissing me! I have to tell her, she must have feelings for me if she’s kissing me. She could stake me right now and I’d die happy.

Willow slowly pulled her head away and looked into Spike’s eyes. She could see they were shining with love. Love? He loves me? Please, please, please let him love me. She silently begged.

Spike reached over and pulled her on to his lap as he sat down on his leather couch. He reached over and pulled her face up, until he was looking straight into her eyes. She looked at him with those luminous green eyes. He pulled her closer to him, “Willow, I…I’m in love with you.”

Willow was so happy she could die. “Really?” She asked in a small voice. Spike looked at her, “With all my heart.” Willow snuggled up to him; “I love you Spike.”

Spike was ecstatic “Willow, about the other night, I…I just wanted to tell you that I only slept with you ‘cause I’m in love with you and I thought that I might not get another chance to be with you and I’m sorry if I hurt you, ‘cause I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s ok, I wanted to be with you.”
“Yes, I love you with all my heart.”
“Willow, do you still want to be with me?”
Spike pulled Willow into another kiss, than carried her in to his bedroom. He slowly stripped off her clothes and made love to her for hours. When they were both spent, he kissed her on the forehead “Good-night Willow. I love you.”
“I love you too Spike.”
The End

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