Love and Sorrow


Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don’t own them (sad face); Joss does. I am only taking them out to play for a while and will return them when done.
Spoilers: all episodes and hidden subtext are open for grabs.
Archive: Gary, Bill, Quin, all others feel free to post them just send me an Email to let me know.
Pairing: B/T
Notes: Sequel to The slayer’s secret and second installment in the Slayer‘s Dilemma series, (Steve thanks for the series name). Buffy has come clean about her and Tara’s relationship but not everyone is happy. about it. All feedback is immensely appreciated, it is the fuel to my fire. Hope you enjoy. ..............................................................................................................................................................

Willow sat in front of her lap top attempting to work on the term paper that was due in two weeks but it was useless, she couldn't get Buffy out of her mind. Every since her best friend in the entire world had announced that she Was in love with Tara, Willow found herself constantly thinking about the slayer and their relationship. She was now questioning everything about her relationship with the slayer, all the times throughout the years that Buffy had said I love you came flashing through her mind. She found her self wondering if the slayer had meant more by her words than the friendship she had always assumed. .

Willow didn’t hear the door to the room open or see Buffy come in from patrol, It was only when she heard Buffy ask if she was OK that she snapped out of the daze she was in.

"Y-yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?

Willow just sat there for a second she knew that she couldn’t honestly answer the question so her mind raced to come up with a answer, "Term paper....I’m having trouble writing this term paper, that’s all."

Buffy looked at Willow and knew that her best friend was lying, but she didn’t know what to do about it, and that worried her. She wanted to help Willow but for some reason every time she asked what was wrong her friend made up some excuse or quickly changed the subject, it now was very clear to Buffy that this time she wasn’t going to be the one to help Willow.

Buffy tossed her backpack on the floor next to her bed and started searching through the closet for a shirt to wear. As she did Willow noticed the rather large tear in the back of her shirt that was caked in dry blood. "You've been hurt."

Buffy turned to Willow and saw deep concern and something else that she couldn’t quite place in her friends face, "It’s OK, only a minor scratch, It’s already starting to heal. I‘ll be fine," reassured Buffy.

"You positive."

"Absolutely, slayers honor." replied Buffy lifting her right hand up as to take a oath.

Buffy then removed the torn shirt and tossed it in the trash can and once again began searching for a shirt to wear. Willow’s eyes were locked on the slayer as she thought how soft the blondes skin seemed. She quickly turned her head towards the computer staring blankly at the screen, wondering what was going on with her.


Tara answered the door to find Buffy standing their smiling that warm gentle smile of hers, "H-hi, want to come in."

"Yeah," replied Buffy stepping into the room and closing the door behind her.

Buffy wrapped her arms around Tara and the blond Wicca began to run her hands down the slayers back until she felt her love flinch. Tara took a step back away from Buffy and looked into her eyes, "Y-y-your "h-hurt."

Buffy placed her hands gently on Tara’s shoulder, "It’s OK sweetheart, all it is a few scratches."

"L-let me be the judge of that...s-s-how me."

Buffy turned away from her girlfriend and lifted up the back of her shirt revealing a series of several scratches and a long thin gash accrosed the small of her back. Tara felt a lump form in her throat as she gazed at the slayers back and cursed the night for what it had done to the girl who had become her world.

Tara took a moment to gather her thoughts then she spoke her voice barely loud enough for Buffy to hear, "L-lay down...I’m going to put some herbal cream...on those cuts."

Buffy turned around and saw the love and concern for her in Tara’s eyes, so she walked over to the bed and laid down on her stomach. As Tara tenderly applied the healing cream to her back Buffy felt tears forming, as she thought about what her and Tara had,

After Tara had finished Buffy sat up on the bed and motioned for Tara to sit next to her. She then rested her head on Tara’s shoulder, "Have I told you to day how much I am hopelessly in love with you."

Tara heard the deep sincerity in Buffy’s voice as she made a declaration of her love, Tara rested her head on the slayers forehead and softly spoke, her voice filled with the same deep sincerity, "I l-love you y-you more than the w-world."


Willow glazed out the window wondering what Buffy and Tara were doing as tears streamed down her cheeks. She thought about Buffy and how foolish she had been, she realized now that she was in love with her best friend, she had been for a long time but had been to afraid to admit it. However none of that mattered anymore, she had waited to long and it had cost her the only thing she wanted in the whole world, Buffy. Willow felt her legs start to quiver, then she dropped to her knees holding onto the window sill like it was a life line as she began to openly weep. A wave of anguish swept through her heart, she loved Buffy, Buffy loved Tara, and there was nothing she could do to change that. .

Send feedback to Sam