Title: Ice Creams, Mothers, and Blood Rites
Author: Andrew E.
Rating: PG13
Email: Andrew E.
Category: Buffy/Spike Friendship
WebPage: www.afterimage.cjb.net
Spoilers: Up To Graduation part two
Series: Fifth in “The Darkness and The Light” Series.
Distribution: Daydreams of BtVS, Sunnyhell.de, Any one else ask and you shale receive.
Summary: A typical day in the life of a Slayer… Not!
Disclaimer: All BtVS characters and Concepts belong to Joss Whedon, Warner Bros.,
and Mutant Enemy (the Dark God’s of Mean).
I Intend No Copyright infringement this is A Non-Profit Work of Fan Art so please don’t
Authors Note’s: ‘Text in these denotes thoughts’
You can find the other stories in this series at my web page “The After Image of BtVs”
http://www.afterimage.cjb.net. I started writing this series during the long wait for season
four and I know that none of this is gonna happen in S4 so consider this an alternate
universe story after the end of season 3. This starts just as my last story Slayer's,
Shopping, and a Vampires Torment ends. This is just some more fluff before the feast of
angst I call my next story.
Dedications: to Saber, Rowsby14, and Kapony2 for their great support and feedback
Without which I mightn’t have continued to write.
Several hours later the slayer, and vampire where walking down the Rodello Drive talking about where Spike was going to live “I said you could stay with us as long as you want” Buffy persisted. “I know that luv but what's your mum gonna say a vampire living in the basement, even if it is one she likes” he said the last with a cocky grin.
“I don’t know but the shape your finances are in you cant afford any thing decent” the Slayer sighed. “will just have to deal with it when she gets home tomorrow” Buffy said pushing throw the back door. “Deal with what Buffy” said a voice in front of them and Spike froze in terror. It was creature more terrifying than the worst demon of hell, and it stood right in front of them The Slayers Mother.
Joyce Summers stood at the kitchen bench holding a bag of groceries “Hello Spike” Joyce said snapping the Vampire out of his daze “why are you standing in the sun light” then in a whisper to Buffy “isn’t that bad for a vampire?”. Buffy nodded, smiled at Spike and said, “a chaos demon put a curse on him”.
‘And so it begins’ Spike groaned inwardly. There wear few things that frightened him more then Joyce Summers. She had power, not the power of magic or evil but she had the power to take Buffy away from him. Buffy, his only friend, the one who had helped him when all he wanted to crawl into a hole and die, the woman he loved. Loved where the hell did that come from! No not love like. defiantly like. Spike snapped himself out of his thoughts and sat down at the kitchen table when Joyce motioned.
“So….”Joyce began hesitantly “Spike I thought that you went back to Brazil”. Spike nodded but kept his mouth closed not trusting himself not to fall to knees and beg her not to send him away. Over the next ten minuets she got the whole story out of him one painful memory at a time. “so if I understand you” Joyce said brightly “you went back to Brazil, tortured Drusilla into loving you again, the chaos demon she was seeing killed her and cursed you, and now your broke and living in my basement. Did I miss anything?” Spike swallowed “nope that’s pretty much all of it”.
Turning to Buffy Joyce said “why is he living in the basement?”
Buffy flushed and blurted out “I thought it was the right thing to do I mean he was so pathetic begging me to kill him” looking over at Spike she added “no offence” Spike smiled “none taken” “anyway” Buffy continued “its not like he’s much of a threat to us anymore and he’s helping out with patrol” “Buffy that’s not what I meant” Joyce interrupted her daughters tirade. Buffy looked at her mother who had a bemused expression on her face. “what I meant is why is he staying in the basement we do have a guest room”
That night on patrol Buffy and Spike had just dispatched three vampires.
“Pet behind you” Buffy spun and embedded her stake in the fourth’s heart.
Buffy leaned against the nearest tree. Trying to catcher her breath, she looked over At Spike, noticing he looked as calm and collected as ever she said, “you know that’s what I hate about vampires, you don’t work up a sweat.”
Spike shot her a cocky grin and said, “I’ll help you work up a sweat any time you want luv”
Buffy turned a bright red, “in your dreams fang face”
“I’m hurt, why don’t you just stake me” Spike shot back pretending to be hurt but the grin tugging at the corners of his lips gave him a way, sending them both into a fit of laughter.
“Your kidding” Buffy spluttered as the two once mortal enemies stood in line for at the ice-cream stand, in the Sunnydale mall.
“nope” Spike said with a smile.
“Spike you did not invent double-double-chocolate-chip ice cream.” Buffy said trying to keep a straight face.
“uh huh” he said his grin growing by the minuet. “Dru, loved chocolate Ice Cream, with a side of blood” “Eww” Spike went on as if she had said nothing. “So I went to the that Benny bloke, flashed him a bit’ of fang, and bob’s your uncle”
“next” the perky blond (aren’t they always) behind the counter said.
“two double-double-chocolate-chip” Spike said with a grin and Buffy groaned.
Giles put down his cup of tea as moved to answer the ringing phone.
“Hello Rupert Giles” he said.
“Oh Darien what can I do for you”
after a few minuets all the blood drained from the former watcher face.
“You’re sure” his voice was deadly calm. He was silent, listing for a few minuets then he said, “thank you, old friend.” Putting down the phone he walked over to the bookcase and opened the safe under the hidden compartment.
Giles pulled out a long woven parchment, a dagger, and an amulet.
Sighing he looked up at the ceiling and said, “why did it have to be her”
Buffy and Spike sat on a bench in the park just outside the mall, eating their ice cream.
Spike was looking at Buffy as she slowly licked her ice cream, but in his mind It wasn’t an ice cream she was licking.
‘stop it mate, she your friend, she also the god damn slayer try anything with her and you’ll end up in a vacuum’ Spike chastised himself
‘but look at those lips, that body, those eye’s’ an evil part of his mind called back. ‘and if she did stake you, you’d die happy’.
Trying to silence his noisy thoughts he took a big bite of his ice cream but he couldn’t help think his was biting into Buffy drinking in her sweet juices. ‘stop It, stop it now you moron’
Crossing his legs to hide his amorous condition. ‘oh great I'm now I'm acting like a blooming teenager, or worse yet my sire’
Back at Giles apartment, the former Watcher sat cross-legged on the living room floor, his face half painted white, half-red. Around him arranged in a star pattern where five black candles.
“Darkness I call,” Giles chanted. “Light I Call, Shadow I Call.” The light in the apartment started to brighten and darken all at once, Bright lights started to swirl around Giles. The candles floated off the ground. Bringing the dagger to his hand he slashed it, letting the blood fall onto the amulet in front of him.
“I ask you take my charge and speed her on her journey of time” he called out as the light smashed into his body.
‘oh what the hell’ Spike thought ‘you only live twice’
He leaned in slowly letting her know what he was doing, he could hear he heart beat speed up, and gently he brought his lip down onto hers.
He began to brake the kiss when he felt her arm rap around the back of his neck, and pull him into a deep more passionate kiss.
After a few moments they broke the kiss, he rested his forehead on hers.
“That was… Wow” she said breathless
“Yeah very wow Buffy” Spike said.
Buffy felt a tremor go though her as he called her by her name, not pet, not slayer, not luv. And somehow it made it all the more important. He hand grabbed the back of his head dragging him into another kiss.
He brought his hands around to her back, his left hand started rubbing the small of her back and she let a moan into his
Neither of them notice the light begin to gather around them, and In a flash they where gone.