TITLE: "The Hex Files."
AUTHOR: Ellie Dee
EMAIL: ellie_dee@hotmail.com
CATEGORY: Alternate Universe, possible series if I get good Feedback.
SUMMARY: A different look at the pilot.
DISCLAIMER: These characters do not belong to me. They belong to people who have a whole lot more money than than I'll ever see.
ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just please let me know where it goes and keep my name on it.
FEEDBACK: PLEASE!!! This is the only way I get "PAID" and at the moment I'm mentally bankrupt.

By: Ellie Dee

Exiting the elevator into the basement, the doctor briskly walked down the shadowy hallway. At the end of it she stopped outside her destination, the office housing the X-Files.

It just wasn't fair, an undergraduate degree in Physics, Magna Cum Laude at that. Medical school, top of her class; followed by specialization in Forensic Medicine. Then the FBI Academy at Quantico, not just the training course for technicians. But the honest to God kick down the door, carry a gun, G-Man type course.

Most of the perspective agents in her class had been male, twice her size and possessing definite Neanderthal like sexist mindsets. But she had shown them. Again, top of her class. She'd had the bruises to show for it. And so had a fair number of her fellow students. At least the ones who had thought the pretty little red headed doctor would be a push over in hand to hand combat.

The two years she had spent teaching at Quantico had been rewarding. Helping others to understand and appreciate the wonders of science and occasionally putting her skills to the test with actual autopsies. It had been a good two years, but now, what had she done to deserve this?

The X-Files, when they were even talked about it was usually with contempt. They were the joke of the bureau. And the man that headed up the X-Files, her new SAC, the infamous Spooky. He had been the Bureau's Golden Boy, one of the best profilers, if not THE best profiler to ever come out of the Violent Crimes section. Destined to be an AD by the time he was 40.

Now he was stuck in the darkest part of the basement chasing little green men, crop circles and who knows what else. And you're stuck down here with him.

Well, they may have stuck you down here with him, but no one was going to turn you into their errand boy... girl... whatever. Fine, file your reports and do your job right. He was your SAC and you're his partner not a watchdog, not a spy. You owed Spooky that much.

Working up her nerve she knocked on the office door. After a moment she could hear someone on the other side of the door call out.

"The restrooms at the other end of the hall. Otherwise nobody's here but the FBI's Most Unwanted."

Opening the door the petite red head entered her new home. Oddly enough the smile on her face wasn't forced. From the sound of it at least Spooky had a sense of humor, albeit a rather dry one.

Entering the office she found her new partner sitting at the only desk in the room. Tall, dark unruly hair, intense green eyes behind wire rimmed glasses. A manner that was both relaxed and yet full of energy.

"Hello, I'm Willow Rosenberg. I've been assigned to work with you."

"Well isn't it nice to suddenly be so popular. I thought that you were sent down here to spy on me," replied her partner Special Agent Alexander "Spooky" Harris.


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