by Starla
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns the Buffyverse.
Distribution: Want, take, have. Just let me know.
Spoilers: Hmm. Don't know. Anything is possible.
Author's notes: This takes place after Mirrored. Read that fist if you have the time. : )
Feedback: Send to
Part 1
Buffy snuggled warmly into Angel's chest, resting her ear over his heart and listening to it beat.
She sighed happily, kissing the sensitive patch of skin under his chin.
His eyes fluttered open and he smiled down lazily at her.
"Mornin'." He murmured, kissing her hair, inhaling the scent of her apple shampoo.
"Morning." She grinned, pulling back to gaze down at him.
She sat up, straddling him. "Sleep well?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and running her hands through her hair.
"I always sleep better when you're here." He confided.
She smiled. "Me too."
She laced her fingers through his, bringing their hands up and kissing his knuckles.
"Of Course, I get less sleep when you are here." He smiled.
She raised an eyebrow. "You complaining?"
"Not in the slightest bit."
"Good." She said smugly. "Cos if you were, I might be forced to get up and let you catch up on your rest."
His eyes widened in fear at the thought. "No. No. that won't be necessary." He assured her quickly, placing his hands on her hips as if to hold her in the bed.
She giggled, running her fingers down his chest. "That's what I like to hear."
She leaned down, kissing him passionately.
He responded immediately, removing his hands from her waist and running them through her hair and over her back, tracing circles on the small of her back with his fingers.
He groaned when she pulled away and jumped out of the bed.
"Where are you going?" He whimpered, propping himself up on his elbows and watching as she disappeared from the room.
"To have a shower!" She called, and he heard the soft sound of running water as she started the shower up.
A few moments later, she appeared in the doorway.
"Well? Aren't you coming?" She asked, smiling playfully.
He grinned, rolling out of his bed and joining her in the bathroom.
An hour and a lot of wrinkly skin later, Buffy and Angel emerged from his apartment, cheerfully greeting Cordelia.
"I don't even wanna know what you two have been doing down there all morning." She said, shaking her head.
"Doyle was in." She added. "He ran out to get more coffee."
Angel nodded, sinking into his chair, grabbing Buffy around the waist from behind and pulling her down with him.
She giggled, and Cordelia rolled her eyes.
"This is just a phase, right? I'm not gonna have to get one of you desexed?"
"Oh, Come on Cor! You try playing 'look but don't touch' for a while and see how you like it!" Buffy cried. "I mean- Look at Him! DO you have any idea how much willpower it took to stay away from that?!?"
Cordelia laughed.
"Any clients call?" Angel asked, resting his chin on Buffy's shoulder.
Cordy shook her head. "It's been a crisis free day!" She said happily.
"Amen!" Buffy grinned. "So what're we gonna do today?"
"Shopping!" Cordelia cried. "I need to get a new skirt for an audition."
"Ooh, shopping. Sounds good." Buffy said, rubbing her hands together, then looked back at Angel. "If that's all right with you, sweetie."
He shrugged. "Whatever you want."
"I've taught you well." Buffy said seriously, kissing his nose.
Cordelia groaned in frustration. "Would you quit doing that?"
"What?" Angel asked innocently.
"The touching! You're making me nauseous!"
"We'll be good, I promise." Buffy vowed, holding up a hand.
Cordelia gave a nod of satisfaction. "Good. Now. We'll just wait for Doyle to return from his quest for caffienated beverages and then go!"
In a very un-Cordelia-esque move she jumped up and down on the spot and clapped her hands.
Angel raised an eyebrow, wondering what he'd gotten himself into.
"Oooh, Check it out!!!" Cordelia said, holding up a black leather skirt.
Buffy glanced up at Angel. "You're rubbing off on her."
"If she starts wearing black dusters I'm blaming you, Angel." Doyle said. "You can't see nothin' in those things."
"Buffy, how bout this for you?" She held up a green swirly patterned skirt and a vibrant green silk shirt.
Buffy and Cordelia disappeared into the changing rooms, leaving Angel and Doyle standing in the middle of the crowded clothing store.
Angel leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. He surpressed a yawn.
"The pretty little slayer kept you up late, huh?" Doyle asked with a smirk.
Angel smiled lazily. "Late, early, it's all good."
"I bet." Doyle chuckled.
"So how's everyone going in Sunnydale?" Cordelia asked, emerging from her cubicle and adjusting the shiny navy skirt she had tried on.
Buffy came out of her cubicle seconds later, removing the clip in her hair and letting it fall down her back.
"You know, the same. Except Giles. He took some kind of magical chill pill, I think. Oh, and Xander gets laid more often. Anya's some kind of nympho."
"I noticed both those things last time I was there. I can't believe there's no new dirt!"
"There probably is. I've been sort of distracted the past few weeks."
"Uh huh. When I'm not with him, I'm counting the minutes til I'm with him."
"That's so pathetic it's not funny."
"I know." She said, shrugging. "But I miss him when he's not around, you know? This whole separation thing is hard."
A wicked smile spread across her face. "But it just makes it feel better when we finally do see each other."
"You mean the sex is better."
"*Hell Yeah*"
"Good for you."
"I'll say."
Angel idly watched as a young couple walked into the store arm in arm.
They reminded him a little of Willow and Oz, the sweet way they were holding hands, the guy carrying the girls bags.
The illusion was shattered the moment she opened her mouth.
She screeched orders at the boy, sending him scurrying off in all directions to get her clothes.
Angel shuddered, the sound of the woman's voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard to his sensitive ears.
He closed his eyes, trying to ignore her, when he heard the most beautiful sound in the world.
Buffy's soft, teasing voice telling him that they were ready to go.
He opened them to find her standing in front of him, an amused smile playing across her lips.
He grinned. "You're done."
"Finally!" Doyle cried. "Can we go now?"
"You're no fun." Cordelia accused, crossing her arms and pouting.
"Want me to show you just how much fun I can be?" He asked, smiling flirtatiously.
"Hey, I'm not Buffy. I don't go for huge PDA's. Sorry." Cordelia said, shaking her head.
"Besides, we wouldn't wanna compete against the reigning champions." Doyle said, gesturing over to where Buffy and Angel were kissing softly.
Buffy, hearing Doyle's comment, pulled away from Angel, blushing slightly.
"Sorry." They said in unison. Angel took Buffy's bag from her, always the gentleman, and slung his arm over her shoulder as they walked out of the store.
"Man, Cordelia can shop." Buffy exclaimed, falling into Angel's recliner.
Angel nodded. "So I've noticed."
He slid into the chair with Buffy, and she adjusted her position so that they were comfortable.
"I can't believe you just put me through that." Angel said, though he was smiling.
"I'll make it up to you." She promised.
Angel grinned at her seductively. "I bet you will."
She hit him softly on the chest. "Is that all I'm good for?"
She laughed as he trailed kisses over her jawline. It felt so good to relax with him like this, to act like a normal if slightly mismatched couple in love. She'd been noticing changes in him in the past few weeks. He seemed happier, less guilt-ridden. She knew he still blamed himself for a lot of the tragedies in their past, but it was a s if the absence of his demon made it more removed, easier to cope with.
"I love you." He whispered, tucking a stray piece of blonde hair behind her ear.
Her heart soared as it did every time she heard those words from him. She felt like she was flying, seeing things from a new perspective. It dulled the pain of her past and filled her with hope for the future.
"I love you too." She said softly, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling into his shoulder.
"The arms of my love will always hold you in soft embrace; The warmth of my love will always shine on your loving face. " Angel quoted, resting his cheek against the top of her head.
There, wrapped up in each other, they fell into a deep slumber.
Angel was awakened many hours later by the sound of footsteps in the apartment.
He cracked one eye open to see Kate walking out of the elevator.
"The door was open, I just wanted to thank you for...." She trailed off when her eyes fell on Buffy, still asleep in Angel's strong embrace. "Oh."
"Hi Kate." Angel said quietly. "Haven't seen you in awhile."
He untangled himself from Buffy's arms, and she whimpered softly and caught his hand, somewhere between the dreamworld and reality.
"And just where do you think you're going?" She mumbled, blinking.
"I didn't want to wake you." He murmured, crouching down in front of her and kissing her hands. "I'm just gonna go talk to Kate, ok?"
She gave a sleepy nod, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering.
Angel grabbed a blanket from the arm of a chair and draped it over her.
He leaned over, kissing her on the forehead. "Sleep Sweet."
She gave no reply.
Angel turned around to face Kate, who stood there with a slightly confused look on her face.
He gestured for her to follow him up to the office.
"Well this is new." She said once they were in the elevator.
He shrugged. "Not really."
She looked at him quizzically. "Huh?"
"Buffy and I have, in the past, had a weird relationship." He told her, sitting behind his desk and clasping his hands. "But I've known her for four years now and have been completely in love with her the entire time." He smiled, cocking his head to the side. "The only new thing is now nothings holding us back."
Kate studied him, questions running through her mind. The first one being:
"How come I never knew you had a girlfriend?"
He thought about this for a moment. "We split up for a while when I moved here." He stood up and got a cup of coffee. "It was sorta painful to talk about." He handed Kate a mug. "We've only been back together a few weeks, and I haven't really seen you."
Kate nodded. Fair enough. "So." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "Tell me about this girl who's come and taken me out of the running."
Part 2
Buffy padded out of the elevator 45 minutes later, stretching and yawning. She had changed into one of his black woolen jumpers and a pair of bright pink sweat pants, and she looked absolutely adorable.
She glanced over at Angel and Kate who sat on either sides of his desk.
"I was wondering where you where." She murmured, having only foggy recollections of their earlier 'conversation'.
Angel smiled and she settled on to his lap. She reached for his coffee, downing it in a few gulps.
"I'm Kate. Angel's been telling me a lot about you." Kate told her.
Buffy blushed. "What did you tell her?"
He shrugged, grinning. "I think I was babbling."
"Babbling? You? What's that, like more than one sentence in a row?"
He chuckled, kissing her cheek.
She picked up one of his hands, playing with the silver claddagh ring that he still wore. A wave of sadness washed over her as she looked at her own bare hands. She looked up at him, wondering if he knew that she had left hers in the mansion all those months ago....
He looked at her questioningly and she smiled. He frowned, but let it go when Kate began speaking again.
" so I'd better get going." She waved and left the pair alone.
Buffy watched her go before turning and kissing Angel passionately.
"I've been wanting to do that. for a long time now." She confided. "I was dreaming of you..." She ran her finger down the bridge of his nose, then rested it on his lips. "I always do..."
He smiled, nibbling gently on her fingertip.
She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations he was provoking in her body. When he moved his lips to her palm, she opened her eyes.
"Do you remember the leather jacket you gave me?" She asked, smiling fondly at the memory.
He nodded and continued his path down her arm.
"I wore that every day for months."
"Do you still have it?" He asked, removing his lips from her arm and examining her face.
She nodded. "It's saved for emotional crisis's."
"Do you still have your claddagh ring?"
A sad, guilty expression fell across her face and tears welled in her eyes. She didn't speak for fear that it would come out as one great sob, choosing to shake her head violently instead.
Angel smiled understandingly, taking his off and slipping it on the thumb that didn't display Angelus's ring.
"Just until we get you a new one." He murmured, kissing it and smiling up at her.
"Mine." He said proudly, straightening and jutting his chin up in the air.
"Always." Buffy promised, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him close.
He ran his fingers through her hair, grinning.
Things were good.
Kate leaned against the wall, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead.
"Wasn't that just oh so cute." She muttered. "What was she, 12?"
She felt guilty for her words the moment they were out of her mouth.
She was jealous, she could admit it to herself.
Not jealous of Buffy, exactly; She even sorta liked her; She could imagine being friends with her.
She didn't have feelings for Angel, not really. He was a friend, that was as far as it went, no matter how tall, dark and yummy he was.
No, she was jealous of their love. Their togetherness. Their happiness.
That sickeningly sweet little scene had just reminded her of her own loneliness.
And it hurt like hell.
Angel ran his hand over Buffy's hair, loving the way it felt like silk under his fingers.
She moaned and buried her head into his chest.
He chuckled, and she lifted her head, giving him a dirty look.
"It's not morning. I'm heavily in denial." She said seriously.
"Ok. It's not morning." He agreed.
"Damn Straight." She nodded in satisfaction.
Angel grinned at her, running his fingers up and down her back.
She sat up, stretching out her arms. She leaned against the headboard, sighing.
"I have to go home today." She said glumly, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
He rolled over, resting his chin on her knee. "I know."
"This sucks." She pouted.
He smiled sadly. "True." He sat up properly, drawing her to him and giving her a gentle kiss. "But let's make the most of it."
She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and grinned. "Sounds good to me."
She pounced on him, laughing crazily, tickling him. He caught her wrists, sitting up and holding her hands over her head.
"That's not fair!" She pouted, but her eyes were laughing.
"Who says it has to be?" He asked, his eyes running over her body.
He released her arms, but pulled her close. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her breath mingling with his.
"I love you." He said, holding her face in his hands. "More than life." He kissed her on the nose. "You were the only light in my life for so long.....And you'll always be the brightest."
She blinked. "I love you too." She replied, frustrated that she couldn't encompass all she felt for him in her words. Instead, she reached out and kissed him, showing him her soul, letting him feel the depths of her emotions. "More than words." She whispered when she finally pulled away.
"I could go for another one of those...." He murmured, pulling her lips to his again.
Part 3
"I love you." Buffy said, hugging Angel tightly.
Angel pulled back, studying her face, rememorizing every line, every crevice, every detail of her face.
He ran his big hands over cheeks, wiping away her stray tears.
He leaned down, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her nose, her chin, and finally her lips. She deepened the kiss, gripping the back of his neck, closing her eyes and inhaling. She loved his scent, a clean mixture of soap, leather and the incense he loved to burn. She broke her lips away from his when she needed air, burying her face in his shoulder.
"I love you." She repeated.
He pulled away, and gathered her hands in his. "I love you too."
He kissed their entwined hands, then released hers. "I'll call you."
She nodded, swallowing. She bestowed one more radiant smile upon him before turning and getting into the car.
Angel stood and watched as the car pulled away, waiting for it to disappear from view before turning and walking away.
Buffy wandered the Sunnydale streets alone, reflecting on her weekend in LA. She smiled to herself and wrapped her arms around her slim body, closing her eyes and imagining his touch, his lips on hers, his hands exploring her body...
She snapped her eyes open, trying to stay focused on the matter at hand. Patrolling.
Still, her mind wandered. The vamps were few and far between tonight, and it was hard to concentrate on a job that didn't really need doing.
She walked into her dorm room quietly, so as not to wake Willow, but flipped on the lights when she realized that the room was empty.
A note sat on Willow's bed.
Hi Buffy!,
I've gone out with Oz. We're movie-bound.
Angel called. (Twice) I think there's some serious Buffy missage there (Grin)
We had a nice chat, He taught me how to light stuff on fire by magick!!!!! (Sorry about the smell of smoke in the room, it took me a while to get the hang of it) Call him!!!!( I know you were probably going to the second you got in anyways, but I promised to give you the message)
Luv Ya,
Buffy grinned. Even in writing, Willow could babble.
She picked up the phone, speed dialing Angel's number.
"Hello?" He picked up as soon as it began ringing.
"Heya Sexy." She said playfully.
"Buffy." He replied happily.
Buffy flopped back onto her bed. "One and Only."
"How's my girl?" He asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
"You love referring to me as that, don't you?" She asked, clearly amused.
"I'm not denying it." He replied, and there was the sound of material rusting as he sat down, presumably in his recliner.
"I'm good." She picked up Mr. Gordo, hugging him to her. "I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"You'd better." She growled.
He laughed.
"How you doing?" She asked.
She could almost see him shrug. "I'm okay. Cornelia and Doyle are coming around to research that Fiemarchi demon we heard about."
She nodded. "Say hello to Cordy for me, and remind her about that promise she made me."
"What promise?" He asked, puzzled.
"She promised to chase off any overly attractive women who came sniffing around you." Buffy grinned.
Angel chuckled. "Not gonna be necessary."
"Please!!! Even when I was there they all approached you."
"You thought they were attractive?" Angel asked.
"Where you blind Angel? That redhead chick at the mall???"
"She was ok, I guess."
"Ok?" Buffy asked skeptically.
"She was pretty. Not Beautiful. She had no charisma, like you, or Cordy, or Willow."
"That's so sweet." She thought about it for a minute. "You're attracted to my best friends."
Angel laughed. "Not like that. But they glow. They're beautiful."
Buffy smiled fondly. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
Angel nodded once. "Good."
"What's this I hear about you teaching Willow the first steps toward Pyromania???" Buffy asked, cocking her head to the side.
"We were talking. It came up."
"I wonder how I got myself a pair of friends for whom the subject of magically setting things alight just came up in a regular conversation." Buffy smiled. "Anyway, I went to Giles' when I got home, and I can come up again next weekend."
"Good." Angel replied, pleased. (Actually, I think ecstatic is the word, but I don't wanna be melodramatic)
Voices could be heard in the background, and Buffy smiled. Cordelia and Doyle were bickering as usual.
"You'd better go..." She murmured. "I love you."
"I love you too. Be careful."
"Yeah, yeah. Sleep sweet."
"You too."
"Bye Angel."
Angel hung up the phone, resting his fingers on it for a moment as if to absorb more of her.
Finally, he looked up at his friends. "Buffy says hi."
Cordelia smiled. "You'll see her again soon, Angel."
He nodded slowly. "She's coming up again this weekend." He grinned.
"Does that mean we're gonna have to put up with the excessive touching again?" Cordelia whined.
"Deal with it." Angel murmured, moving into his kitchen and taking out some leftover pizza.
"Ok. The fiemarchi demon." He said, shoving the pizza into the oven to heat up. "What do we know?"
Cordelia went through a list of facts, and Angel struggled to concentrate.
5 days. He thought to himself, and smiled, letting the memories bring him peace.
The End
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