Title: Darkness
Author: Andrew E.
Email: axis@ansonic.com.au
WebPage: www.afterimage.cjb.net
Category: Buffy/Spike Friendship
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Up To Graduation part two
Distribution: Slayer Fanfic Achieve, Daydreams of BtVS, A Very Suave Very
Not Pathetic Slayerette Site, Any one else ask and you shale receive.
Summary: Buffy Finds a drunk spike in the graveyard and a friendship
Disclaimer: All BtVS characters and Concepts belong to Joss Whedon,
Warner Bros., and Mutant Enemy (AKA the Meanies). I Intend No Copyright
infringement this is A Non-Profit Work of Fan Art so please don’t sue.
Authors Note’s: This the Very First Fic I’ve ever posted so plz say you
love it or my ego will take a dive and I’ll never write again. (Text in
these denotes thoughts)
Buffy was walking thought the north Sunnydale graveyard singing “here vampires I’ve got a stakie with your names on it” softly under her breath. She was bored, Xander was off on his road trip to god only knows where. the last post card was from somewhere in New York State. Oz was on tour with his band, Willow was busy being a groupie to her werewolf boyfriend. Cordy had Left for LA two weeks ago, her Mother was art buying in New York, even Giles was busy with watcher stuff, since she told the council to go jump, and with Faith in a her own little world, the council had no choice but to give Giles his job back on his terms It seams that they wanted at least one Slayer on the work force and they draw the line at murdering the Chosen one to get a new one.
The hairs on the Slayers neck bristled, and her heartbeat quickened, the telltale signature of the undead. With deadly speed the Slayer slid a stake out of her sleeve and spun around. The vampire was about twenty feet away in the middle of the path. Game face already apparent “Ah newbies they can be some much fun” she was itching for a challenge since the mayor failed ascension attempt two months ago most of the vampire in Sunnydale were dead or inexperienced.
“Didn’t your mother tell you it not polite to stare?” she quipped when she caught him ogling her exposed mid-drift. The vampire snapped out of it and charged at her she held her ground and just as he reached her she spun garbing his arm, spinning him with her in a second the stake was in the fledglings’ back.
She was brushing the dust of her yellow shirt when she heard clapping coming from behind her Ohh This is not good she mused when ever anyone applauded her fight style the usually ended up trying to kill her. She spun around to see as a figure half in the darkness and the light. There was something vaguely recognizable. The figure stumble full into the light and fall flat on it face. Buffy sighed and walked over to the prone vampire she pulled its head up by the peroxide hair, looked into its grinning face and said “so Spike what's new?”
“So spike what's new?” Buffy asked again “I thought I told you to stay out of Sunnydale” Buffy recoiled as smelled the alcohol on his breath (vampires don’t breathe, well they can breathe they just need too dam I’ve been hanging out with Giles to much). “And did you drink a brewery?” Spike giggled “nope just the late shift” he said between Giggles (Spike giggling this is too freaky).
The Slayer pulled a Stake from her Sleeve and moved to stake him. To her surprise he didn’t even move to stop her just closed his eyes with a blissful look on his face. (I can’t do it he just looks so innocent) her voice of compassion said (innocent my ass he’s killed thousands and he try to kill you and all your friends) The Slayer In her Said. (But he helped stop the world from being sucked into hell) her voice of reason argued (he left you with a sword at your jugular) The slayer said.
Buffy let out an exasperated sigh and flopped down beside him. She couldn’t kill him like this not with out a fight and he knew it the bastard.
“So Spike what are you doing here?” she asked for the second time. He drunkenly sat up and glared at her “well I wanted you to kill me” Buffy was stunned “Care to repeat that” he looked at her like she was a child asking why the sky was blue “I” he pointed to his own chest “wanted you” He pointed to her “to kill me, you know with a pointy piece of wood like the one you’ve got there” Buffy looked like a dear caught in the headlights then fall back laughing spike soon joined her.
After they had calmed Buffy propped her self on her elbow and looked into his eyes “for a minuet there I thought you were serious” Spiked looked into her eyes and said “I am Slayer I have nothing left to live for and you’re the only one worthy of killing William the Bloody Scourge of Britain so what's it gonna Be Luv?”
“I’m not gonna kill you Spike not in this condition”
“Then I guess I’ll just have to kill you then wont I Kitten” His Face morphed and he lunged at her in his drunken State she easily dodged he landed face down in a pool of mud (One of those Freak Hellmouth things it had rained earlier that day) she observed. Spike pulled himself out of the mud and glared at the slayer who was near tears with laughter. He growled at her and moved to attack again. (Just stake him now so we can go home) her inner slayer demanded. As Spike’s flying body reached Buffy she swung around knocking him on the ground and with all her strength she hit him on the back head rendering him unconscious. Buffy looked down at the dead looking Body of her foe and sighed “what am I gonna do with you Spike” picking his body up around her shoulders she made her way out of the graveyard.
Opening the front door and balancing Spike was a tough order. But some how she got it done. As She struggle to get spike in to the house (It’s a good thing you didn’t do the De-invite) her sense of reason mused as she dropped spike on the lounge and flopped in to the armchair. (What are you doing you stupid girl he’s a vampire) her slayer voice intruded on the moment of rest (he’s so drunk I’d be surprised if he could take a bite with out throwing up every where) She reasoned (he’s killed two slayers maybe this how he does it) The Slayer screamed (he’s not that smart) her train of thought was interrupted by a groan from the couch.
“Where am I” said spike as he tried to sit up. ”Somewhere I told you not to come back to,” Buffy said in a cold voice his head snapped around he fought to keep from blacking out “Ohhh big mistake… Slayer”
“Spike would you please tell me why your back in Sunnydale and…”She leaned forward and sniffed “why you smell like you drank half the state of Alabama” He was struggling to remember why he was here then it hit him like it always did (One of the problems of being a Vampire is such a high tolerance for liquor) his inner voice reminded him. “I go where I please” he snapped he’s attention suddenly became focussed on the stake Buffy was pressing between he palm and index finger. He tried to stand up but Buffy jumped up and pushed him back down he tried to put up a fight but failed (he’s weak) “when was the last time you ate?” she questioned (why do you care? do you get a kick out of hearing how he kills?) the inner slayer said. Spike pondered for a minuet “I think about a week ago so moron in Mexico tried to car-jack me” (no wonder he’s so weak). Buffy decided to let it drop. She moved back to the armchair and sat down never once taking her eyes off spike.
“Why are you here spike? Didn’t you Black Goddess take you back” she said acidly and he flinched
“Oh she took me back alright” he said in a deep pain filled voice then laughed “a word of advice luv never reject a chaos demon the buggers don’t take it too well” his voice broke and he started crying and against all better judgment she went over to him and pulled him in to a comforting embrace. (Drusilla must be dead no wonder he wanted me to kill him) “Shush it’ll be alright shush now” tears forming in her own eyes she remembered how it felt the when she lost Angel (all three times) She thought bitterly (first to happiness, then to the world, and finally to the night). After Spike was all cried out she lifted his chin and looked into his eye to see her pain reflected there. “Tell me” was all she said he nodded and began his tale about how when he had returned to Brazil he followed thought with his plan and tortured Dru back to side, it worked and for a time they where happy until the Chaos Demon Dru had been seeing found out about then. Dru in her madness forgot to mention that they where over. When the demon found out he killed her in a fit of rage and placed a curse on Spike so he could not commit suicide or Kill another Human for all eternity. And now he was here ‘dam that sucks’ her voice of compassion stated.
“Spike you can stay in the basement tonight if you want and tommow we see what to do. Ok?” she said hesitantly. He nodded tentatively
And so a friendship was born…