Title: Come On Over, Part 1 of the Words Can't Express Series Author: de LA goddess;) Disclaimer: joss does not deserve to have his name capitalized... he will have bad karma because he owns these characters not me... that made no sense... I don't own any sense... I don't own the song either... it belongs to the Christina Aguilera and I think she is owned by RCA... theres a whole lotta ownership goin' on and I'm not involved... I feel so unwanted *g* E-mail: blairwitchywoman@hotmail.com Spoiler: This is at no particular time, just my own little universe, where Angel is in Sunnydale, Willow barely knows Oz, Xander and Willow are just friends (never kissed), but 'Lovers Walk' did happen. I have a writers block, and I was listening to the radio, and I heard this song and thought 'what the hell' Rating: PG-11 (I just said...um, wrote, hell!) Pairing(s): W/A, maybe W/S if I feel like it later Feedback: Send it... friends don't let friends forget to send feedback... and enemies attack the friends who don't sent feedback... so send feedback! Summery: Willow wants Angel to come out of his shell Authors Note: In this story, Angel and Buffy are still going out, but not for long... that is IF I get feedback... otherwise I can drag out this relationship... I'll do it too, don't try me... *g* IMPORTANT NOTE: When I say, "Willow's POV" I mean everything in <> are Willow's thoughts. When I say, "Angel's POV" everything in <> are Angel's thoughts. When I say put your left foot in, you put left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about... do the Hokey Pokey, baby! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C知on over, c'mon over, baby. C知on over, c'mon over, baby. C知on over, c'mon over, baby. C知on over, c'mon over, baby. Willow's POV Willow dialed Angel's number, her hands shaking. <What are you getting so excited about, Willow? Its just Angel.> Still, she hung up the phone after one ring. It was the third time she had attempted to call him, and she was no closer to actually talking to him than she was ten minutes ago. <Goddess, I need to get a grip. I'm just inviting a friend to go Bronzing with the rest of my friends. I'm really just doing this for Angel. He needs to come out of his shell.> Angel, as usual, was brooding all the time, and, after several attempts on Buffy's part to get Angel to hang out with them, Willow decided to take matters into her own hands. <I can't stand to see one of my friends in pain. And he's still been avoiding everybody because of that whole Angelus thing. We all forgive him. I mean, Cordelia doesn't care, Xander has always hated him, Giles is still angry, but he doesn't go to the Bronze. And Buffy,> she winced slightly as she though of how important Buffy was to Angel, <Buffy is his soulmate. All of us wouldn't mind him coming.> Finally, she put on her resolve face and hit the redial button. ****** Hey, boy, don't you know I've got something going on. (Yes, I do.) All my friends are gonna come gonna party all night long. I know, you know, I just want us to go. The fun we'll have fun you'll never be alone. So boy, wont you come? We will party till the dawn. Listen to me... ****** Angel's POV ~ring~ "Hello?" a deep voice growled. <I shouldn't have answered it.Who would call me at this ungodly hour? Nobody I would want to talk to. Not salespeople, not Buffy, not Giles. And I am not hoping that its Willow. I am not hoping to hear her beautiful voice-> "Angel? Hi, its Willow. I'm sorry, were you asleep, cuz I didn't mean to wake you, I forgot you usually a night person, being a vampire and all, and would probably be sleeping during the day, cuz the daylight would hurt you, unless it was really cloudy out, which its not, but I guess it could get cloudy-" "Willow, its ok. Breath." "(ahhhhh, haaaaa) Hi Angel." "Hi Willow. Is anything wrong? Are yo-, I mean, is Buffy in trouble?" <Gotta remember, always ask about Buffy, not Willow. I love Buffy, not Willow. Buffy, not the beautiful red-haired goddess. Buffy, not-> "No, I was just wondering, I mean, we were just wondering if you wanted to come to the Bronze with us. You know, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, Oz, me..." <She's inviting me? After everything I've done to her? I don't even deserve to be in her presence.> "You guys don't want me to come...after everything I've done-" "You haven't done anything, Angel. Angelus did all those things." "I can't ask you guys to forgive me for what I've done, I can't ask you guys to accept me-" "You didn't. I invited you." "Willow, you don't have to do this-" "Yes I do. I'm being a friend, just like I am to all my other friends." <Right, just friends.> "But-" "No buts, Angel. Do you hear me? This is resolve face voice. No arguing!" <I lov-, like it when she talks like that.> "If your sure-" "I'm sure. All I want is you." <She wants me?> ****** All I want is you. (Come over here baby.) All I want is you. (You make me go crazy.) All I want is you. (Now baby don't be shy.) You better cross the line. I'm gonna love you right. (All I want is you!) ****** Willow's POV <Oh goddess, did I just admit I want him?> "I mean, all I want is for you and...um... everybody to come to the Bronze and hangout." <Good save. Because, I mean, I don't want Angel. Sure, he might be dark, mysterious, hansome, sexy-> "But what about Buffy?" "What about her?" "Willow, after she saw me as Angelus, I don't think she could see me any other way. Just by looking at me she gets horrible memories of what I did over the past few months-" "What Angelus did over the past few months. And besides, she doesn't mind looking at you. No girl would mind looking at you." <Oh no did I just say that? Freudian slip much?> ****** C知on over, c'mon over, baby. C'mon over, c'mon over, baby. I want you to know you could be the one for me. (Yes, you could.) You've got all I'm looking for; you've got personality. ****** Angel's POV <Did she just say no girl would mind looking at me? And Willows a girl... no, she's just saying that to cheer me up> "Thanks, Willow. But when I saw Buffy last night, I saw her flinch when she looked at me, when I touched her arm. I don't think things could ever go back to the way they were before." <Although I could see some perks in not being Buffy's lap dog...> "Maybe they don't need to go back to the way they were before. Maybe you've just gotten through the worst thing that could happen to your relationship and it will come out stronger than ever." <She has such endless optimism. I'm going to go to this for her. I can't give her everything she deserves, but if she wants me to come, I'm going to come.> "So are you going to come?" ****** I know, you know, I'm gonna give more. But boy you know, I never felt this way before. So, boy wont you come? won't you come and open the door? (Listen to me) ****** Willow's POV "Yes." <He said yes! Oh goddess, he's coming! I've gotta call Cordelia! She loves doing make-overs and she owes me. Wait a minute, why am I getting dressed up for Angel. I'm not. I'm doing it for that guy... whats-his-name...Oz> "Great, I'll see you then." "'Bye." "'Bye." "Are you going to hang up?" "I want you to hang up first. I hate missing any part of a phone conversation, even if its just the click." <Could I sound any stupider?> "Ok, see you later." (click) (click) ****** All I want is you. (Come over here baby.) All I want is you. (You make me go crazy.) All I want is you. (Now baby don't be shy.) You better cross the line. I'm gonna love you right. (All I want is you!) c'mon over, c'mon over baby ****** "Hello?" "Cordelia? Its Willow. You were talking about a make-over earlier..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------So what did you think? It was my first song fic. The sound of the song might have been too... happy for the way Angel and Willow were acting, I don't know... SO TELL ME! Oh and Spikes coming soon if my writers block doesn't lift for my other series... he's got to get more places in my fics, but I've just been keeping him busy, if you know what I mean... WHICH YOU DON'T if your leaning toward the gutter... cuz I'm already in it... *g*Back to Author Page Back to Willow/Angel Back to Main page