Disclaimer: I do not own Cordy, Xander, any of the other Buffy characters or the show BTVS. It is all Joss's, who I admire and respect. No infringement intended. He can have them after the fic is finished though.
Distribution: Right now, it's only on my site. But if ye ask, ye shall receive. :)
Spoilers: All of first and second seasons and up to "The Prom" in the third. "The Prom" has not happened yet though.
Rating: If you can watch the show you can probably read this.
Summary: There's a new radio show in Sunnydale called "Crying, Loving, Laughing, and Leaving" (based upon a real radio show on Saturday Nights) where viewers can call in, and request songs. The problem is, for them to play the song, they must explain the reason they chose the song.
The first installment is for Cordy, from Xander, with others to follow soon for the rest of Buffy. It is basically songs and lyrics that I feel fit each character's mood and attitude but you will also get to see their reactions to each song.
Feedback: I live for it, I die without it. :)
All thoughts are in < and > while song lyrics are in italics
This series is dedicated to Nad, the Cute Little Lurker, whose love of Cordy and Charisma astounds me. :) Here ya go Nad, you devotee, you! Missered you more!
By: Candy Kane
I do not own the song "Blue Monday" by Orgy, nor Orgy themselves. I am just taking the lyrics.
Cordeila Chase flipped the radio dial in her car, keeping one hand on the wheel, and looked at herself in the rearview mirror . < Working certainly did not have any advantages besides money she thought to herself. I don't know if I can take this for the rest of my life. I mean, actually smiling and being gracious to mean people all the entire time? Yeah right! Those customers would just *have* to be so snobby and condescending. I wonder how people can even stand them for extended amounts of time. Oh well. I wish I could find a d@mn song on this stupid radio! > She hurriedly flipped through the dial and stopped at 103.9, hoping that Rockin' Rick would have a cool tune playing.
Instead of Rockin' Rick's soothing bass voice, she was welcomed with a young, high-pitched voice coming from the speakers. < What the hell? > Cordy thought. < Where's Rick? >
As if her question had been asked out loud, an answer was given quickly from the other end.
"Welcome Sunnydale kids to a brand new show! I'm Pinky and tonight is the debut of "Crying, Loving, Laughing, and Leaving", the show where YOU request the songs and let US know why you chose them. There is no humiliation involved, just morbid curiosity. YOU dedicate the song to that certain someone, tell us why you picked it, and if you are crying, loving, laughing, or leaving, and your song is played!" The hyper voice paused for a sec and then announced "And we now have our very first caller EVER!"
<< Might as well keep it here > thought Cordeila. << Maybe one of the guys will request a song for ME, telling the guy that they loved me or something. Or maybe it will be some geek baring his crush on some popular person. Besides, there's nothing else on anyway. It sure beats silence. >
Cordy had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't heard the name of the guy on the phone till he was asked to repeat it.
"I'm....my name is......Um....call me Alexander," the voice repeated into the phone. He twisted the phone cord in his hand and stared at the key pad of the phone, as if fascinated by the little white numbers. He slapped himself in the head to try to figure out if he was crazy or what. < What you thinking Harris? That no one's listening except her? That this is the one time I won't get her? > He stared wildly around him, as if fearing she would appear from the shadows, scowling and teasing him into not doing what he intended to do. < Wait! I need some Joss damned closure too now, don't I? Why should she always get the upper hand? I have to let her know who is King once and for all. > His resolve firmly implanted and gathering his courage around him like a shield, Xander blurted out quickly and effectively causing Cordy to almost run off the road:
"My name is Xander Harris, I'm laughing, and the song is for Cordeila Chase."
Cordeila, having almost run off the road, glanced quickly down to the radio, as if the ghost of Xander Harris would come out and grab her. She sucked down a few breathes, trying to assess the damage her popularity had happened upon. She thought she was going to cry. < You damn....guy! I can''t believe you would do something like this to me! Of all the miserable low-down, dirty... > Cordeila was cut off in mid-thought as she could hear the DJ laughing and the beginnings of the song come on. She recognized the melody, but was having trouble remembering the name of the song. < It had a color in the title, didn't it? And like a month or day or something. Yikes! I hope it ain't too bad. >
"Now here's 'Blue Monday' by Orgy for Cordeila Chase!" The DJ's whiny voice broke into the beginning of the song. Cordy had always hated when they did that. It totally ruined the song. But as she began hearing the lyrics to the song and recognized it finally, she gasped at the wheel, and tried to not think about the words invading her brain.
How does it feel to treat me like you do?
When you've laid your hands upon me and told me who you are.
I thought I was mistaken, I thought I heard your words.
Tell me how do I feel. Tell me now, how do I feel.
Xander smiled at the radio, almost positive that Cordy was listening and slowly squirming wherever she was. He glanced over to where Buffy, Willow, and Oz were bouncing to the rhythm and singing along. They were the ones who had helped him make the call, with Oz picking the song after a zillion different ones had been brought before the group. Xander had a strange feeling that Oz had listened to that song after Willow and his "accidental, life-or-death kiss" in the factory. It might have, at one time, even been a song Oz associated with him. The thought freaked him and he quickly looked away and focused on the stereo, mouthing the words along with Orgy's lead singer. < My, revenge IS sweet! > he thought. < Take that, Queen C! >
Those who came before me lived through their vocations
From the past until completion, they'll turn away no more.
And still I find it so hard to say what I need to say.
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me just how I should feel today.
Cordy had to take even more deep breaths to control the emotions her body was going through. < On the one hand, Xander is *still* thinking about me. On the other, he just *totally* dissed me by picking this song. I guess I do deserve it a little for all the hell he had to put up with, but that bastard deserved it after the way he did me. He had no right, NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER, to kiss his best friend in a dark factory in front of both's significant others. There's another stupid Xander moment for ya. Oh, he'll get it....he'll get it good! When I am finished with him, he won't even WANT to come to school anymore! He'll get his just desserts somehow, I guarantee it! > Cordy continued on the road home, not conscious enough to realize that the song seemed to fit both of them perfectly.
I see a ship in the harbor. I can and shall obey.
But if it wasn't for your misfortune, I'd be a heavenly person today.
And I thought I was mistaken, and I thought I heard you speak
Tell me, how do I feel. Tell me now, how should I feel.
Now I stand here waiting...
The DJ, who most people knew as a Sunnydale High student but was known throughout the radio world as (get this) *Pinky*, sat in the revolving DJ's chair in the sound-proof booth of the radio station and jammed to the song with his headphones on. < Finally, Cordy gets it! Maybe now she'll realize that all of us geeks ARE visible and DO have feelings about her......very strong anti-Cordy feelings! > He smiled as he watched the lightboard for the phones light up. < Ahh! > he thought. < It's nice to be loved! > He began reaching for the phone, when the door behind him slammed open and a figure walked in. < Eep! > Pinky thought. < Mother! >
I thought I told you to leave me when I walked down to the beach.
Tell me how does it feel, when your heart grows cold, grows cold, cold.
Cordy had been fine until she heard the last two lines of the song. Something inside her had snapped. She slammed on the brakes at the next right and turned, heading straight for the radio station, the DJ (Pinky), a satellite, the sing she wanted, and a microphone.
Cordy looked so crazed with revenge, that when she barged in the door, the poor DJ nearly cried and wet himself.
"Mind if I borrow this?" she asked Pinky sweetly, as she snatched the headphones off and swung the mike around to her. "Oh, and could you be a sweet dear and play this song when I tell you to?" She told him the title and watched him walk over to a big rack of CDs. He pulled the desired song out, went over, and sat in the chair opposite her. He plucked it into the tray, pushed a button, looked up at her expectantly, and motioned for her to speak.
"Now it's MY turn to pick a song," she spoke into the microphone in a sultry voice. Across town, Alexander Lavelle Harris froze in his seat. His eyes grew big and his mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he recognized the voice on the other end. His hands turned numb, as the unexpected became expected, and the revengee began to avenge the revenger.
< My isn't revenge sweet? > Cordy thought, as she began her introduction. < Take that, Xandman! >
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