Title: The Best Fic You Will Ever Read... Is Not This One (1/2)
Author: de LA goddess
Disclaimer:I must have some bad karma, cuz I don't own the
characters...Joss, however, does
Author's Note: I'm bored to hell, so this fic probably isn't my best,
cuz if it is... then i'm REALLY bad. <> = thoughts, ** = empahsis,
~~ = author's comment
Rating:I said hell *gasp*, so I guess its PG-13
Spoiler: No particular time... check took the aspects from each
season that I wanted to
Dedicated: To all those peeps out there, including Tisienne Blue,
Diana C, and Kylia, and Kimberly... all of whom NEED TO WRITE MORE
PARTS for their lovely pieces of fiction... or I will continue to
post horrible stuff like this... its blackmail, i know...what can I
say, I'm evil...
Summery: Willow surfs the web to find fics about herself and
"Willow, will you please get on that dread machine? I have absolutely no idea how to work it and we need to get on this prophecy."
"Sure Giles." Willow got up from her comfortable position on the
couch looking through the books and sat in front of the 'dread
machine.' She typed in a few key words from the prophecy and waited
for the computer to come up with results. She glanced around the
room, making sure no one was watching her. Buffy and Faith had been
training, but now seemed to be joking around and discussing who was
the better Slayer, coming up with stories (most of which were
extremely exaggerated) to prove their points. Xander was eating, and
Cordelia was giving herself a manicure. Oz was tuning his guitar and
even Giles seemed to be somewhere else With a smile, she clicked on the number that lead to the to the
old posts as well as the two new ones. Spike also greeted her. Willow immediately began to babble as she
sat back down again and minimized the window she had been reading.
"Um hi guys! What are you doing here? I mean, you have every right
to be here, but I mean right here, I mean, why were you reading over
my shoulder? Were you reading over my shoulder? Cuz if you weren't
then I 'm sorry I even mentioned it, cuz I wasn't reading anything
important, just researching a prophecy "As a matter of fact, we were reading over your shoulder. Tell
me, would you want any of those things to come true?" He raised his
eyebrow suggestively. "Um yeah."Willow said, then remebering her
cover. "I mean, um, this looks like a good prophecy so-"
she never got to finish, because right then Angelu gave her a kiss
that is perfectly descibed in part 17 of Sense and Sensitivity.
Spike stood there a minute and then said "You don't get all the fun,
Peaches." He took her out of Angels arms. "I know I'm supposed to
jsut stand by and help Angel get you, luv, but thats not going to
happen right now," he said in a husky voice and gave her a kiss of
his own.