Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters commonly associated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer; they are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Archive: Ask and you shall receive
Pairing: B/W
Note: This story is my first ever attempt at fanfic so I thought I would post a what I have so far just to see if I am on the right track or if it sucks. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Chapter 1: Visions and revelation
The ancient realm of mortal man:
At the top of the rocky cliffs of the land of Tasa stood a lone figure. He wore blue mage robes and a red and black hooded cloak, with the hood pulled up revealing nothing of his facial features except for his eyes. They were blue on blue, the pupils seemed to radiate out into the pre-dawn darkness. He watched out over the shore line as the ocean waves pounded ruthlessly against the rocks below. In the distance he saw a great golden dragon approaching his position so he waited for golden dragons were the messengers of the Gods themselves.
Sunnydale, CA, modern day:
Willow stood in the center of Sunnydale. It was midnight and the streets were abandoned. What was she doing here by her self? were was Buffy her protector, her love? Suddenly a voice spoke from the darkness. "Fear not little one, for the next cycle is at hand"
"Who are you?" Willow asked her voice shaking in fear, why had she come out here alone.
"I am a messenger from the land of shadow, sent to tell of the coming of the guardian of the chosen"
"I don't understand?" Willow said noticing that this so called messenger seemed to have be a transparent image with no physical body whatsoever. He wore armor like the knights did in the times of king Author and carried a long sword but it was if he was just an illusion from another place and another time.
"Look to the book of the ages for the answers you seek, it is from here the knowledge will be gained."
"But the book of the Ages is lost, how do I find it"
"Through truth and love shall the book of the ages be revealed to those who have been called"
"What is that suppose to mean"
"Tell her" spoke the messenger as he and everything around Willow began to slowly fade away, his final words echoing in here mind. "Tell her" Willow awoke in a cold sweat. She looked across the room to here sleeping roommate The ancient realm of mortal man:
The great golden dragon now stood a few feet away from the him. I have been sent with a message from the Gods of man" bellowed the might beast, "Talon, mage of the magic of shadow, you have been called to be the guardian of the chosen"
Softly the young mage replied" I am only a mortal man, not worthy of such a great position. I do not understand why the Gods would choose me"
"You under estimate yourself, after only 21 years on this earth you have become more powerful than any user of the magic arts living or dead. You are pure in heart, only using the powers bestowed upon you for the good of your fellow man. That is why you have been called. So I ask you this young mage, do you except the your destiny?"
"If it is the will of the Gods then so be it"
Thunder and lighting filled the sky and a aura of blue light surrounded Talon and then he was gone. a column of light shown through the storm clouds that filled the sky and a female voice softly spoke "Great dragon know that I am the Goddess, you have served us well and there is one more task that we ask of you".
"What is it that you wish of me my Goddess"
"This cycle of life is coming to a close and a new on is starting, it will be one of Chaos. The forces of good and evil will fight as they never have before. Each side will chose there champions they will do the battle. In the end the forces of darkness will grow strong and seek to destroy the chosen warrior of the forces of good. Only the magic of the warriors soulmate can offer protection at this time. Together they will fight the forces of darkness back. When the dark lords of evil see that the two soulmates have taken the upper hand they will summon there powers to open up the gate to the underworld. The soulmates can not win this battle for it is not there's to fight, that is when the guardian of the chosen will once again walk in the Mortal realm, for only he can defeat the dark lords. Talon has been made an immortal, he has become a higher being. Being a mage of shadow magic he has went to live until the time his calling in the realm of shadows that surrounds the mortal realm. There he will be able to see everything that is happening in this realm so that he might re-enter it at the appointed time. You faithful dragon must tell his of his life and his prophesy. Write them down in the book of the ages and pass it along to the warriors of good."
Then all was silent, the storm clouds had vanished and the sun had rose, the great dragon lifted his mighty wings into the air and to flight, he had very little time to accomplish his task, this cycle of chaos was already upon them.
Sunnydale, CA; Modern day
Buffy stood the cemetery, she was completely alone not even a single vampire or demon was out tonight . Something was happening and it frightened her. Suddenly a figure stood before her, he wore body armor and seemed to be almost transparent. Buffy was getting ready to speak when this mysterious figure spoke to her first.
"Fear not warrior of light for I am a messenger of the realm of shadow. The cycle of Chaos is ending and you must seek out your soulmate if either of you are to survive"
"Only together can the two of you stand against the forces of darkness, and only your love for one another can bring the guardian of the chosen forth unto this mortal realm so he might fulfill his destiny"
"What soulmate?"
"Your one true love, The one whom brings balance to your life and you balance to theirs. Together you must seek the book of the ages, it is the only way that you can survive the darkness that is coming."
"What darkness, and How do I stop it"
"You can not stop it, only the guardian of the chosen can, it is you and your soulmate who can call upon him and allow him entrance into the mortal realm. You must however act quickly to find your true love, before it is to late for the cycle of Chaos is ending and the time of the great battle drawls near.".
"What battle?" Buffy asked fearing the answer she would receive.
"The final battle, the Armageddon"
Buffy trembled in fear at this mysterious figures answer, She looked at the figure as tears of shear terror rolled down her face. He was talking about the final battle of good and evil, the end of the world as she knew it and the only she could help was to find her soulmate, her one true love. "Her voice was laced with anxiety, and her words only came out in a whimper. " How do I find my soulmate?"
"Look to your heart it will guide you, then seek the book of the ages." Then darkness surrounded her and a vision formed in her mind. She was walking down the beach at sun set with Willow. They were holding hands, and suddenly they stopped. Willow leaned into her and gently kissed her on the lips. "I love you Buffy" The young witch said. Then she woke up.
As Buffy sat in her bed she looked around the room to see Willow lying there. The moon showed through the window and it seemed to radiate the young redheads beauty. Could Willow be the one. She knew she was in love with her but was pretty sure the feeling was not mutual. Sure Willow cared for her but that was as a friend. The messenger had told her to look to her heart and she knew that in her heart she loved Willow, but that was just a fantasy for her. Willow could never love her the way she loved Willow, or could she. This however would have to wait, She needed to talk top Giles after all the end of the world was coming.
The Realm of Shadow
A young warrior dressed in full body armor knelt before a golden throne. "The messages have been delivered Lord Talon"
"You have done well my faithful servant. Are the troops preparing for the war" Spoke the Guardian of the Chosen.
"Yes, my Lord"
"Good, The Armageddon is approaching rapidly. I can feel it, even as we speak the Dark Lords are awaking there forces seeking to gain the upper hand. The age of Chaos is almost over and for now the fate of the mortal realm lies in the hands of the chosen one and her beloved."
"Why then did you not allow me to help them find one another."
"That is not the way of things, destiny is a very mysterious creature. They must find one another on there own, then and only then can I fulfill my destiny. Pray to the Gods of the ancient realm that they find one another and the book before it is to late."
"My Lord how close at hand is the Armageddon"
"The dark lords are growing impatient, they know that the soulmates have not found one another yet and now move to destroy them before than can. If that happens then The gateway to the underworld will be opened and I will not be allowed to stop it, The Gods will only allow me to fight in the name of the mortal realm unless soulmates are together. Without the shadow realm and its warriors to stop the Dark Lords will easily win and the mortal realm will be lost"
"Isn't there anything we can do my lord"
"Tell me what it is you wish me to do"
"accompany me to the mortal realm"
"I thought you could not interfere with them finding one another"
"That is correct My faithful servant but once they do I can make the path easier for them."
"I do not understand what you are saying my Lord" "Those entrusted to watch out for and care for the chosen warriors hearts have grown cold and they have forgotten who it is they serve. They no longer follow the rules that the Gods set forth upon their foundation and banish anyone who defies them and tries to make them se the light. If man can not remind them of the path they were called to follow then I will. I will make them see the light"
"And if they do not my Lord"
"Then I will destroy them. The Gods might not allow me to fight on the chosen ones behalf without her finding her soulmate, but they will allow me to deal with those who have failed me be they of this realm or the mortal realm. Are you ready to travel again my faithful servant"
"Yes my Lord but to were is it that we travel"
Chapter 2: The path unfolds
Sunnydale, CA
Willow awoke as the first rays of sun light hit the California coast line, Buffy was on the phone apparently talking to Giles from what she could make out of the conversation. Here voice was gripped with fear, and Willow could se that she was physically trembling as she tried to form words out of thoughts that were racing through her mind at the speed of light.
"Buffy, just calm down and speak slowly" said a very groggy Giles.
"I H-h-had a vision, it was p-p-p-prophetic" Buffy stammered her voice barley above a whisper.
Giles was starting to get very worried, what could shake up Buffy this bad after all she has been through it had to be big. His voice full of anxiety he asked "What is it" Her reply sent a cold shiver down his spin, she had simply said Armageddon. Her and Willow were on their way over and so was the rest of the scoopy doo gang, as they so liked to call themselves. Giles mind began to go over all of his training as a watcher, recalling all the prophecies and lore that were covered and now the one the council feared the most seemed to be un folding. His mind drifted back as he recalled his mentor reading from an ancient scroll that had been transcribed from the book of the ages. "It was scary Giles, He said that I must find my soulmate, my one true love or neither one of us could survive the darkness that was coming." Willow's heart skipped a beat when she heard what Buffy's had just told Giles.
All Giles could say was "I see"
"I see, he talked about the battle of Armageddon, the end of everything that we know and said that only Me and My soulmate could stop it, I don't know what to do."
Willow was becoming hyper aware of what everything the slayer was saying. Her mind began to race, Buffy had noticed Willow drifting away as she was talking. "Willow, are you all right" asked a very worried slayer. Willow did not respond and Buffy walked over to her, "Will you still in there?"
Willow suddenly became aware that Buffy was standing in front of here talking but she really did not hear what the blonde was saying now, she had to know "Buffy what did the messenger look like?"
Buffy was a little taken back by this question but answered it anyways "He was about six feet tall, and wore body armor, kinda like the one you see in the movies about knights and dragons..."
Willow cut in before Buffy could finish " And He was there but not there, almost transparent"
Buffy finished the sentence for her " and he said to find the book of the ages"
"how did you know that Willow"
"I also had a dream, that he came to me and told me to seek my soulmate and find the book of ages for the next cycle was upon us"
Before Buffy could reply a very anxious Giles cut into their conversation "Did you say the next cycle was upon us?" sweat was now running down his forehead and he had lost some of the coloring in his face. parts of the tale were now coming back to his mind and he was on the verge of sure panic.
"Giles are you O.K." asked Willow and Buffy in unison.
"If the next cycle is upon us that can only mean the forces of darkness have already started there move to gain control over the mortal realm, I have got to call the council"
"The council, did you forget that we are not talking to them" shouted an agitated slayer.
"We need there help, the prophecy of Armageddon is different than any other prophecy"
"How is that, we've faced the end of the world before" Her voice was full of anger, rumbaing how the council had betrayed her.
"Buffy, it is believed that all life goes through different cycles, some are shorter than others, but in general they usually last about 2500 years. No one is for sure when the cycle we are in actually started but from what you are saying I believe now that it most likely was about 500 BC
"So why bring the council into this"
"When the cycles changed it is rumored that magic on both the sides of light and darkness both are the strongest. The last time the cycle changed it is said in several ancient text that the Gods were still in direct control of the mortal realm, but now they are not. The prophecy that seems to be unfolding here was written when that cycle was giving way to this one. There are several among those who know about the book of the ages and it's prophecy that is was scribed to from the Gods themselves, more particularly the Goddess.
The room grew deadly silent at Giles words. Willow was the first to speak "The Goddess"
"Yes" was all Giles said, his face was now very somber. "So you can see that what we are dealing with is greater than anything we have ever faced before, greater than anything man has ever faced"
Everyone just sat there looking at Giles, except for Willow who was intently staring at Buffy. "Buffy we need to talk" Willow said in a voice so soft that the slayer had to strain to hear her.
"Yes now, Giles can we use the kitchen?"
He was about to say something to Willow about now not being a good time after all there was allot they needed to discuss, but Willow had on her resolve face and there was something else in her eyes, love. He simply nodded and Willow got up and started to walk out of the room, a confused Buffy followed.
"What was that about?" Piped Xander
"I am not sure, but I think this prophecy is unfolding even more"
"It was Anya's turn now "What is that suppose to mean"
Giles looked at the two of them, then to the kitchen door that Buffy had shut behind her , then back toward them. "We will have to just wait and see"
Willow looked at Buffy the messengers words were echoing repeatedly in her mind Willow was now staring at Buffy wondering what to do. The slayer looked very worried, Willow thought, She was now standing just inches from Buffy, the slayers body was now trembling, her eyes locked onto Willow's. Buffy had just started to say something when Willow leaned into her and every so gently placed a soft kiss upon her lips. All Buffy could do was let out a whimper. Then Willow spoke "I love you"
"Did you say that you love me" Buffy's voice was so quit that Willow had to strain to hear her even though she was only inches from her.
Willow looked into Buffy's eyes, "Yes, and I do love you. Every fabric of my being loves you. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thought in my mind as I go to sleep. I love you so much that I don't think I could make it through a single day without you by my side" Willow could not stop talking, all the emotions she had bottled up inside of her came pouring out, each word nothing but the truth of her own heart that she had been suppressing for so long. "I do not know how or when it happened but it did, all I honestly know is that I love you and I always will.
Willow had spoken from her heart and now waited to see what was going to happen now. Her insides were churning, she had put her soul out on the table and now it was Buffy's turn, a voice kept screaming out inside of the young witch "You have" Willow asked holding onto Buffy even tighter.
"yes, and now I guess it is my turn"
"Your turn for what"
"To say that I love you Willow, love you more than life itself. The only reason that I can go out there every night and face the Hellsmouth is because of you"
"Because of Me"
"Your my reason to keep on living, my entire world. My mom, Giles, Xander, and Anya there all good friend and I care for them and if something would happen to any off them I don't know what I would do but I could go on. However a world without my Wills is one I don't think I could last that long in, without you I would just curl up and die."
"Buffy don't talk like that" Willow said as tears were rolling down her eyes, she did not want anything to happen to Buffy and did not like it at all when she talked about death.
"I can't help I, it is how I feel. I love you so much that it hurts." Buffy then leaned into Willow and place and returned Willow's kiss "I love you Willow"
"What do we do now"
"Well Willow I think we should march back in there and tell Giles that we have found our soulmates"
"You think were each other soulmates"
"I know it " Said a now extremely confidant slayer
"So do I"
Slowly they broke there embrace and took one anthers had. "Guess it is time to face our friends, " asked Buffy
"Yep" Gulped Willow, The two walked back into the room hand in hand. Xander and Anya there eyes filled with curiosity were looking at them and Giles was on the phone. He hung it up and looked at the two of them. Before he could say anything Spike, who had come up from the basement when his vampiric ears picked up on the conversation going on in the kitchen and was now standing in the hallway, not wanting to come out into them room for the curtains were wide open, inserted his two cents "It's about Bloody time". A devilish grin filled his face, all he could think about was how much this was going to get to soulboy.
"And what are you doing up here" shouted Giles
"Vampiric hearing" was all he could say as both Willow and Buffy both turned a most interesting shade of red.
"There blushing" shouted Xander
"Mark one up for the rocket scientist" Spike said, he was laughing out loud now It was Giles who spoke next "I take it the two of you have something to tell us"
Buffy looked at Willow and the redheaded smiled, let go of Buffy's hand and warped her arm around the slayers waist. With that Buffy looked straight at Giles and simply said "Were do we find this book of the ages"
"I see" Replied Giles and he did.
"see What" Xander asked
"see that there in love, sometimes I don't know why I put up with you" Retorted Anya.
Xander came back "because you love me" and Anya smiled
"Well Giles how do we find the book of ages, after all according to the messenger after we find one another we are suppose to look for the book of ages" Buffy's words were extremely focused at the moment, she knew that she loved Willow and Willow loved here. She also knew that if they were going to be together forever, but at the moment forever seemed to be a very short time, the Armageddon was coming and she had to protect her new found love.
Giles spoke, his words did not come out easily and everyone could sense that something was defiantly wrong "I am not sure, I spent the last several minutes trying to contact the council, but there is no answer, I fear something is going on"
"The prophecy" Willow and Buffy said in unison
"I don't know, I just don't know"
Half way around the world something indeed was going on.
In the reception area of the watchers council complex the switch board was ringing , its operator sat in a trance unable to move or even acknowledge in her mind that it was ringing. There were several others in the main lobby, mostly watchers or researchers for the council who had dropped in to try and find out why the council had called a secret session and was meeting in privacy. However that would have to wait for they to like the switch board operator were seemly frozen in time unable to move or even think. In fact the only two figures that seemed to be moving at all were slowly making there way towards the main meeting chamber.
The council was in session, every single council member was there, fifty two in all. They were in full session and tempers were flaring. The head of the council himself had called this special meeting which soon turned into a heated debate. The subject was what are we to do about Buffy Summers, and as soon as the head of the council opened it for discussion lines were immediately formed and they had been fighting amongst themselves for over a half hour now. Even as the head of the council was trying to regain some control over this meeting Talon and his messenger were making their way to the meeting chambers and the council caught up in there rather heated discussion was oblivious to the fact that very soon things were going to change forever.
"I demand order" shouted the council head as he banged a heavy wooden gavel on the large oak table they all sat around "and I demand it know. He had succeeded in getting there attention so he continued "We will discuss this subject in an organized controlled manner, it is our duty to do so, Mr. Rilley I believe you have the floor".
Thank you sir," said a middle aged man wearing metal rimmed glasses "as I was saying we should simply call another slayer and write off Ms Summers as a lost cause"
A young woman raised here had and the council head recognized her. "And how do you propose to do that, I am the newest member of this counsel but last time I checked there could only be one slayer"
"Mr. Rilley, she brings up a good point. Have you any suggestions"
"Yes sir, we must eliminate Ms Summers"
The council head thought about his Rilly's answer for a second then spoke "I tend to agree"
"That is insane, we can not kill a slayer who has done nothing wrong" a young man newly promoted from watcher to council member shouted
"You have something to add Wesley" Asked the head of the council.
"Ms summers still is doing her duty and rather well might I add. She has done nothing wrong"
"She has broken off communications"
"Since when is not talking to the council a capitol offense"
"You off all people should know, she would not except you as her watcher but instead defied the council by staying with Mr. Giles after we had dismissed him for his failure in the test . She then broke all communications with us. She is out of control and a out of control slayer can be a very dangerous thing, or do you get forget about the incident with Faith"
"Buffy handled that problem for us, and has continued about her duty. She is doing what she was trained to do, what she was meant to do and the more I reflect on what happened during my brief presence in Sunnydale the more I believe Giles was correct in his actions"
"He disobeyed the council, he questioned the way we do things. If we are to fight this war then order and control must be contained." the head of the councils voice was filled with rage as responded to Wesley's almost sacrilegious remarks
There was no stopping Wesley now, the council had gone to far and he knew it. "Then possibly are way of doing things is wrong" as Wesley finished that statement the council once again broke into utter chaos.
This time the head of the council would not be able to regain control he would have no need to. The room fell silent as the great oak doors were ripped off and thrown by an unseen force down a deserted hallway. The room filled with a mystic blue haze and two figures now stood in the door way. All heads turned to them and pure terror gripped them. The larger figure wore battle armoire of a knight and carried a rather large and impressive looking sword but he was almost unrecognized by them. It was the other figure that they were immediately drawn to and as soon as they looked upon him they could no longer speak. He wore the robes of an ancient mage with a red and black hooded cloak that seemed to flutter as if it was caught in a mild breeze even though there was none. The hood was pulled up over his head and the only facial feature that could be seen was a set of glowing blue eyes that permeated through the mist and pierced into each one of there souls looking for some shred of humanity.
Talon stood there for several minutes gazing into each and every member of the councils soul. He had to make them see the light, the Armageddon was growing nearer. Then he spoke his words echoed like thunder throughout the entire complex shattering every window in the massive building. "Know this; I am Talon, Guardian of the Chosen, hand picked by the Gods of man." as he spoke his eyes began to change. the steady blue glow gave way to what appeared to be bright blue flames dancing in his eyes and a bright blue light now surrounded his body. The messenger then knew that his master had become very angry at these mortal men and even he was frightened at what vengeance the Guardian of the Chosen might enacted upon this particular group.
Talon had looked into there souls hoping to find a way to make them see the truth but what he saw there was darkness, the council had been lost, except for a very few who had seen the light on there own. The majority of them were plotting to murder the chosen one, only these few were opposed to the idea. If anyone there were able to see pass the intensity of his eyes they would have noticed a single tear roll down the immortal mages cheek. He knew now what he must do and he shed that single tear for the council and the task that he now had to take, the path of his destiny had taken an unexpected turn and it now tore at his eternal heart but there was no other choice , they were to far gone.
"I see into the neither regions of your souls and feel what each of you feel in the abyss of your mortal hearts, your thoughts have become like an open book to me. I thought that your hearts had grown cold and your souls callus with the passage of time, but know I know that the hearts of most of you have grown dark. The evil that you are so set against fighting has already beaten you. It did not happen in any war, or through any type of black magic, but in each of your hearts and souls. You did not forget the rules of the Gods but over time willing chose to ignore them. For you it is no longer about the fight against darkness but it is about power and control and these things have corrupted you. then darkness it set itself upon your mortal souls. There are few among you who still care for the watchers and the chosen one, but as for the rest of you could care less, all that matters to you is that you remain in control. you have become servants to the very forces the council was established to fight against" Talon raised his hand into the air and the haze in the room became a thick fog, and as quickly as it came it was gone along with Talon. Wesley and five others were left standing before the messenger. The meeting chamber floor was now covered in ashes of what used to be the rest of the council, judgment had been passed.
The messenger walked towards Wesley and the remaining council members who were trembling in fear. There was movement in the hallway and several watchers had run into the chamber, they froze in utter shock at what they saw.
Wesley looked at the messenger and all he could say was "Why"
"They were to far gone, the Guardian of the Chosen was unable to make them see the light, you and the others who remain however had already seen the light before we arrived in the mortal realm. It was necessary for judgment to be passed"
The watchers who had entered the room stood there stunned at the words they had heard. The looked at the messenger, then to the remaining council members and knew that it was true, Talon had come, they were in awe.
"In time they could have been made to understand, We could have protected the slayer form them" Wesley said with all sincerity in his voice. He had opposed what they had become but still regretted there deaths.
"My lord would have wanted it that way also, it hurt him deeply to have to deal with his servants the way he was forced to, but there is no way he could make them see that which they had no desire to see, and the price has become to high for there existence to be tolerated any longer"
Wesley looked around at the watchers and his fellow council members and saw that they were just as confused as he was, "What is happening that is so great that the Guardian of the Chosen is forced to come and judge the council, what is price is so high that warrants the loss of so many souls"
"The Realm of mortal man itself is at stake. Know this young council member, the cycle of chaos is coming to an end, as we speak the Dark Lords are moving in preparation to consume this realm. The chosen and her soulmate seek one another, if they have found each other yet I do not know, but they were still searching when I left the realm of shadows. The Dark Lords seek to destroy them before they can fulfill the prophecy written in the book of the ages. All this is happening for a reason, know that reason to be that the Armageddon is at hand"
The room was silent, no one dared even move after hearing the messengers words. They had to remind themselves to breath, their greatest fear the destruction of the entire mortal realm seemed to be unfolding before there eyes and they had failed to see it coming, failed to aid the chosen one in her quest, and failed the powers they had sworn to serve. There hearts were filled with great sadness, and each and everyone of them wept in shame. The messenger just stood there and waited for them to let everything sink in.
It was Wesley who finally spoke, "What can we do to help them"
"This is what is to be done. The watchers and slayers in training are released from their bond as is everyone else who is under the employment of the council. For now and till the end of time the council is disband, for the Guardian no longer has use of such an organization for he shall soon walk the mortal realm if all goes as he has foreseen . You and the other council members are to gather all the books and knowledge contained within these halls that the six of you can take and travel to the hellmouth. You must do this quickly for time draws short. When you arrive immediately contact the chosen one and her friends and aid them in any way you can."
"We shall do as you ask, and this time we will not fail them"
"This I Know". and as the messenger finished that last sentence he simply vanished into thin air.
They all stood there For a moment then Wesley yelled " You heard him start grabbing book we got very little time"
The Realm of Shadow
The messenger having just returned from the mortal realm made straight away towards the throne room. He instantly spotted Talon looking out a east window at the vast mountains of the realm. "My Lord, are you all right"
"I will be fine my faithful servant, I wish I could have spared them my judgment but they were to far gone into the darkness." Another tear rolled down his eternal cheek, it had hurt him greatly to judge the council for ant human suffering caused him great pain, but that was why he had been chosen in the first place. He gathered up his self and spoke yet again "Did you give those who remain my instructions"
"Yes my Lord"
"Good for the path of the prophecy is unfolding, the Dark Lords were not fast enough in there attempt to keep the soulmates from one another, but they will seek to destroy them anyway"
"Then they had succeeded in finding one another"
"Yes, they have"
"What is to happen now my Lord"
"The time has come for you to once again to enter the realm of mortal man but this time I will send you forth with the staff of shadow "
"Why am I to take such a powerful item into the mortal realm, my lord"
"The soul mates and their friends now seek the book of the ages as they were instructed, the time has come for us to reveal it along with some very special gift that will aid them in the task at hand".
"When do I leave my Lord"
"I will send you to them when they need they you the most"
"There is more my Lord, I hear it in your voice"
"You have served me well and your insight does you great justice. The soulmates have a very dangerous and painful path ahead of them before the Armageddon starts and our warriors go into battle. It will take everything they have for them to survive and the cost that they will be forced to pay is great but know that rewards shall be greater"
"I do not understand of these things you speak my Lord"
"The cycle of chaos is breaking apart at the seams, and they alone stand at the hellmouth. Already I can hear the sounds of war, they echo in the night like distant thunder and grow louder at each passing hour. They are bonded and will survive as the Gods themselves had said those around them however lives hang in the balance of the fates. I sense great sorrow for the two, now go my faithful servant for I shall be calling you soon"
Chapter 3: The awakening
`As chaos unravels so comes the dawn of the blood moon, the prelude to war.' --The Book of the Ages
As day gave way to night the streets were all but abandoned except for two lone figures who walked hand and hand through the night. Suddenly the blonde stopped and looked to the redhead. "Willow get behind me now" the Slayer said.
"Several" Buffy replied as 10 vamps came out from the tree line that surrounded the cemetery. She took a fighting stance and pulled Mr. Pointy from her backpack. Willow began chanting a protection spell for her new lover, then they came. Four vamps rushed at Buffy as the others started to spread out trying to circle the two girls. Buffy let loose with a round house that connected to one of the vamps head and sent him flying, she then caught one with a right hook followed by Mr. Pointy to the heart. Another vamp caught her across the back of the head knocking her up against a tombstone. She quickly recovered and deflected his next blow. A series of kicks left him and the other vamp who had charged in laying on the ground. She then staked him quickly as the other vamp leapt from the ground and began swinging wildly at the slayer. Buffy deflected every one of his blows and waited for an opening to strike. The other six vamps had started to move in on her but could not get close enough to do anything, Willow's protection spell was working extremely well. Buffy finally got her chance and the last thing that vamp saw was Mr. Pointy being plunged into his chest, then he turned to dust. She surveyed the scene. There were six vamps left. They had formed a circle around them but were not getting any closer. She looked at her girlfriend to see if she was all right. Willow just stood there chanting a golden aura seemed to surround her. Buffy thought that whatever she is doing it's working. She took up her defensive stance and was pondering her next move when the remaining six vamp simply turned to dust. "How'd you do that" a very impressed slayer asked.
"I didn't"
"Then..." Buffy's train of thought was lost when she realized that her and Willow were not alone. Before them stood the messenger who had appeared in both of their dreams. He however was not caring his sword anymore. Instead in his hand he held a five-foot long granite staff with a blue gemstone shaped like a dragon on top of it. The two girls stood there in awe as the messenger approached them. "The time has come for that which you seek to be revealed"
Back at Giles house life had taken a very unexpected turn. He had been going through some text on demons hoping to find a reference about the Armageddon, Xander and Anya were helping him but none of them was having any luck. That is when everything changed. The doorbell had rang and like he had done so many times before he simply had gotten up to answer it. He was shocked when he opened the door and Wesley and five other council members stood at his door. That had been about half an hour ago and now He was even more shocked. Wesley's words were running continuously through his mind as he tried to absorb it all. "I just need a few moments to gather myself, would you care for some tea," Giles asked, still trying to sort out all the information that he had just been given.
"That would be great, I think we are gong to need it to. There are several dozen books in the van outside that I hope will aid us in helping Buffy."
"That is great, I went through all the books I have here and have found very little to help us."
"That's quite all right, I have been reading ancient prophecies and text ever since we left England. I believe the most important thing we can do now is help Buffy find her soul mate"
"Wesley, that has already been taken care of"
"Great who is the lucky chap", now it was Wesley's turned to be shocked. That however did not last long because Spike had decided to leave the cellar. The ex-council member stared at the blonde vampire and shouted "What is he doing here".
Giles spent the next several minuets explaining about the recent events of the secret commando group who had neutered Spike.
"Can we trust him" Wesley asked after hearing Giles tale.
"Bloody Hell you can, I don't want to see the world destroyed as much as you do"
"But you're a vampire" Inserted Wesley.
"Yeah, and what do you think my old pals would do if they found me like this, I sure as hell don't want to find out. And as for all this vampires want to destroy the world, sure it is true about some of my kind but personally I kind of like this world, after this is a pretty exciting place."
Giles was the next one to speak, "Are you two about done we have plenty of research to do".
Across town in one of the many cemeteries the slayer patrolled things were changing more than Giles or anyone else at his house could imagine,
"The time has come for that which you seek to be revealed."
"We are seeking the Book of the ages as you told us to in our dreams, but we don't know how to find it" Willow said as she looked at her love. The slayer returned the glance and then looked at the messenger "Ditto" was all she said.
With that he reached into the pack he was wearing and pulled out a very old and expensive looking book. Its cover was made out of silver and the words on the front of it were not only written in some ancient language long since forgotten but were also scribed in gold. The messenger extended his hand with the book in it out to the two girls, "I believe this is what you seek"
"Wait a minute, if you had it the whole time how come you didn't just give it to us" Buffy said as she took the book and handed it to Willow.
"That would have been against the rules, Even the shadow realm is subject to the rules of the God's, We had to wait for the two of you to find one another, now that you have we can reveal the Book of ages to the mortal realm once again"
Willow looked at the book for a few minutes then looked to the messenger, "How do we read this I don't even recognize what language it is in"
"It is written in the tongue of the realm of ancient man, as far as translating it goes I have something, along with other gifts that will aid you in not only translating the Book the ages but also help in the task ahead of you" With that said the messenger pulled out three items from the bag. He handed Willow an Oval shaped glass crystal with a flat surface with gold trim. There was an eye engraved in the center of it and the words `for the seekers of knowledge' were scribed in silver at the top and bottom of the oval. "Hold the crystal over the Words on the book."
Willow did as the messenger said and she and Buffy who was on her tiptoes looking over the redheads shoulder were momentarily stunned. As soon as Willow held the crystal over the words on the cover they seemed to start to move and take new shapes. What was once worlds that had no meaning to them now read `Scribed by Dragon, dictated by the Goddess, the prophecy of the Guardian, The Book of the ages
The messenger then spoke " it is called the stone of knowledge, the Guardian created it specially to translate the ancient tongue into something the soul-mate of magic could understand. The next gift is also for the soul mate of magic." He handed Willow a bottle that had a bright blue liquid substance in it. "For one to develop the powers of a mage two things must be present. One is that person must be born with them. You child were born with the powers of a mage and your potential is great. There is powerful magic within you, but you have not discovered it yet. That brings me to the second thing one needs for the power to become a mage, and that is time. It takes several years to fully develop magic powers and control them, however we do not have that time. This liquid will do that for you drink it and when you awake in the morning the powers of the mages will be with you, as for controlling them that knowledge will be given to you in a dream once you go to sleep tonight. Do you understand?" Willow nodded her head and Buffy looked very confused and nervous at what the messenger had Just said, so he Spoke "I sense you have some questions"
"That drink, it won't hurt her, will it" Buffy's voice was filled with concern for her new found love
"No it is perfectly safe Lord Talon gave it to me to give to her. He said that this potion had been blessed by the Gods of ancient man and was meant to awaken the powers of the your beloved"
"Will she still be the same Willow"
"Yes, except that the mage in her will have been released"
"But she is already a very good witch"
"Yes, but she is meant to be a mage, witches powers can only go so far. They rely on spells, chants, and rituals to perform their magic. The magic of a powerful mage is controlled by thought alone. No spells, no ingredients, and no structured chants are required. The magic comes from within the mage. With this capability her spells will be more powerful than either of you could imagine and trust me you will need that power if the two of you are to survive what lies ahead, I hope I have set your mind at ease"
Buffy nodded, gave Willow a hug, and kissed her on the cheek. "Go ahead and drink it if you're ready" She did. The messenger then held out the last item he had. It was a small silver box. He opened it a produced two golden rings. There appeared to be nothing special about them, they were rather plain, no symbols or writing just what appeared to be you everyday run of the mill golden ring. "Place these on your hands."
The two girls did as the messenger said, unknowing putting the rings on each other's ring finger. As soon as they did the strangest thing happened, In that moment they could see into each other's mind, feel the others emotions, and read the others thoughts. They stood there for several minutes seeing everything abut the other, there love, their sacrifice, their pain, everything. It was the messenger who finally broke the two from their trance.
"Do you wish an explanation"
"Yes" the two lovers responded.
"They are binding rings., The rings bind you to one another allowing to see and feel what the other sees and feels. With then you are magically connect, should the two of you become separated for one reason or another all either one of you has to do is think about the other and the ring will take you to her."
The two girls looked at the messenger then to one another. It was Buffy who now spoke, "What are we to do now?"
The Messenger looked at the chosen ones and smiled. Look to the Book of Ages. The Blood moon is coming soon, and in the book answers will be revealed." He looked at the two lovers, "she is growing very tired and it is not a good idea for the two of you to be out with her in that state" As the messenger finished speaking he raised the staff to the air.
There was a great flash and thing that Buffy and Willow were now alone in their dorm room. Buffy helped Willow get to bed then called Giles.
Giles looked over at Wesley and the others who were engrossed in researching the books he had brought from England. "That was Buffy on the phone. Her and Willow are back at their dorm room. They are going to skip their classes tomorrow and will be here bright and early."
"Are they alright?" asked a concerned Wesley.
"Yes, but She did say they had some surprises for us but she would not elaborate"
Xander looked around the room, then right at Giles "I don't know how this can get any stranger" Just as he was finishing with that thought they heard Anya "Giles, Angels here"
"I guess that answers my question" Xander said
"What brings you to Sunnydale" Giles inquired
Angel now stood in Giles living room. He looked even more serous than usual, then after a few seconds words formed "The powers that be have sent me here. They said that I am to help in any way I can because the Armageddon is coming."
"I See" replied Giles could say, the others seemed to nod there heads in agreement, after all they were going to need all the help they could get, "Um, Angel We would appreciate any aid you could give us but I do need to talk to you first."
"What about"
Giles pondered his words for a moment, "Recently certain relationships have changed"
Angel seemed a little bit confused then he saw Spike standing over in the corner with a rather large smirk on his face. "I take it you mean he is on our side in this" Angel said sure he had guessed what the watcher was going to say.
"Well you are right recent events have put Spike on our side at least for now, but that will have to wait till later." Giles paused for a moment trying to think how he was going to break the news of Buffy and Willow's new and improved relationship. However before he could form the right words Spike jumped in.
"Can I tell him?" piped a strangely overjoyed Spike. The Thought of the anguish that this news would bring Angel filled his mind. He might be temporary out of commission but at least he could still have a little fun, he was pretty sure this would be like pure torture to the other vampire.
"Tell me what"
"Buffy" Spike said his mind raising with joy, this was going to be so much fun. He could see the other vampires face deepen with concern at the very mention of her name. All he could think was how fun this was going to be.
Giles however spoke up effectively putting an end to the blond vamps little game, "Spike, why don't you go back to the cellar for now." He then stepped back for a moment and gathered his thought. "Everyone, We have been working very hard today and it is pretty late. I say we call it quits for the night and start again in the morning. Any one who wishes can stay, actually I would prefer it because right now is not the best time to be out and about at night" He paused for a second then looked directly at Angel . "Could the you follow me please, I need to bring you up to speed on what has happened over the last few days."
Angel had taken it better than he thought he would. He was a little sad but glad that Buffy had moved on and found someone else. Everyone one was now finding spot to crash and preparing to get some rest. Giles sat in the kitchen with Wesley as they drank some tea and discussed some of the books they had read. A whole day and evening of research and still they were no closer to understanding what was going on than they were a few days ago.
The Realm of Shadow
"Lord, the task has been completed"
"Good, hopefully they will find the knowledge that they need quickly"
"Yes my lord, what am I to do now"
"Summon the commanders and have them prepare the armies of the realm, then await my return"
"You are leaving, My Lord"
"I have business in the mortal realm that must be taken care of" As soon as Talon had finished speaking he was gone.
Willow had fell into a restless sleep. Buffy lay there in bed next to her holding the redhead In her arms, after a few minuets she too fell into sleep.
Buffy and Willow found themselves standing hand in hand atop rocky cliffs that looked out over a relentless sea. There moon was full and a light blue mist seemed to fill the air. They looked at each other, both of them thinking the same thing, were are we. Before them stood a young man dressed in blue robes with a black and red cloak . His eyes were blue on blue and seemed to radiate magical energy that the tore through the predawn sky. He looked at the two of them, then Spoke. "Welcome chosen ones",
"Who are you and were are we?" Buffy asked as she protectively wrapped her arms around Willow.
"Be not afraid my children. I am Talon, Guardian of the Chosen. I have come as my messenger instructed you I would to teach the young mage how to use her powers"
"Then why am I here"
"The rings the messenger gave you bind the soul-mates, you are simply sharing in your loves dreams"
"Now that I have answered your question, Shall we begin your training"
Buffy had set there for hours as Talon had taken Willow through several magical exercises. She was in amazement at her little redheaded mages power. She could have stayed there forever watching Willow practice her newfound skills.
Talon looked at the young mage then to the warrior, "You can go over to her now, there is nothing else left for me to teach you" With that Willow walked over to Buffy and took the blondes hand into her own. They now stood side by side looking at the guardian.
"The hour has grown late and it is time for you to return to your own realm, and rejoin your friends."
"But there is so much for us to learn" Willow said
"There is nothing more for me to teach you, you have all the skills you will need. The rest of the knowledge that you need is contained in the book of the ages. Read it carefully. Many of its secrets have been lost to the mortal realm for millennia." The guardian looked at the two of them as he continued to speak, "the battle is now yours but do not be afraid of what lies ahead, you both now have all the necessary skills you will need to fight the good fight."
Then the world around them began to fade away. The mist covered blue sky gave way to darkness and the darkness gave way to light. Buffy and Willow awoke at the same time. They were in their dorm room, laying together in Willow's bed. Buffy looked over at the clock on the nightstand, "Will its ten Giles is going to have a cow" She shouted leaping out of bed, it was almost noon.
Chapter 4: Gathering
Giles paced the room, He was still worried. It was almost noon and no one had heard from Buffy and Willow. His heart was racing, hoping that they were alright. The rest of the group was no better off, they had stopped researching and were engaged is meaningless chatter waiting for the two girls to arrive. Then it happened, a bright flash erupted in the far corner of the living room and everyone for just a second everyone was temporally blinded. When their eyes were able to refocus on their surroundings they were in awe, Buffy and Willow now stood before there hand in hand.
The words stammered out of Giles mouth "Buffy, Willow, How?"
"Teleportation" Replied Willow
"Say what" A confused Xander interjected. The looks on the rest of the group's faces showed that he was not alone.
"She said Teleportation" Replied Buffy, "You know, presto chango were here"
"But how" Asked Wesley Xander cut in before either of the girls could speak" Yeah How"
"Come now everyone, give them a chance to explain" Giles said rather sternly. No one said anything after that, they just looked at Giles as if their father had just scolded them. He continued "I believe the floor is yours"
The two girls looked at each other then to one another.
Buffy and Willow's battle of the minds was interrupted by Giles "Are the two of you just going to stand there looking at one another or are you going to let us in on what is going on here"
"Well it all started when me and Willow were on patrol last night. There were these vamps and we were holding our own then, boom they were gone."
"Gone" Giles asked looking for a better explanation.
Buffy continued "Yeah poof turned to ashes by the Guardians messenger" She looked for Willow for some help.
Willow smiled at the blonde and picked up were she had left off, "Yes had come to give us a message along with some gifts that had some rather interesting effects."
The two girls looked at one another then Buffy started to talk again, "He gave Willow a magical potion that awoke the Mage in her, that is how she was able to just zap us here."
Buffy continued "There are also rings he gave us that bind us together, and allow us to see into to one another's minds and communicate telepathically"
"That is extremely interesting" Giles asked his voice filled with curiosity. at the events that were unfolding in his living room.
Willow then took over the conversation "There is more, last night we shared a dream in which The Guardian trained me on how to use my mage abilities. There is however another item of great interest that the messenger gave us"
Giles looked at the two of them for a second before he spoke. "And that would be"
"The Book of ages" Both girls said in unison as Willow produced seemly out of thin air. After a few minuets of question and answer with the two soul mates the group had went back into full research mode . Giles and Wesley were working with the two soul mates. Giles, Wesley and the other five former council members were taking notes and talking about watcher type stuff as Willow used the stone of knowledge to translate the ancient text. The rest of the group sat in a circle around them taking in everything that Willow was reading. After all with the book of ages there seemed no reason to waste anymore time going through the other books.
The Realm of Shadows
Talon looked over a virtual sea of warriors. All dressed in chain- mail armoire and prepared to fight in the Armageddon. The army was vast There were over two thousand warriors, each of having spent there life training and preparing for they day that they might be called to fight just as their fathers had done before them and there fathers, fathers had done. The Guardian turned away from the army and soon looked to his messenger. "Soon we shall go into battle"
Chapter 5: Prelude to a blood moon
" I found it" Willow Shouted
"Found what?" Buffy asked
"The blood moon", Willow replied. Everyone stopped what they were doing to hear what she had to say. Buffy leaned over and wrapped her arms around Willow as the young mage read from the Book of the Ages.
"As cycle unfolds the moon in it fullness will turn to blood. Then Lords of Darkness will call on their seed already in the mortal realm to mass and destroy the two. Tragedy will surround them. This is the time of darkness but together they survive, together the minions that roam the mortal realm will be forced back into hell."
Wesley spoke, "It looks like we are waiting for a full moon, but what is this seed of the Dark Lords"
Giles looked around the room then spoke, "I am not but I do know that the next full moon is just a couple of days away. Does any one have an idea what this seed might be"
It was angel who spoke next, "Demon seed. You now Vampires, lesser Demons, the things you guys have been fighting for the last several years"
"That doesn't sound like anything we haven't seen before" Said a confidant slayer.
"Yes, Willow"
"I didn't finish"
Every eye in the room turned to the two girls, Buffy looked into Willow's eyes, her voice filled with concern. "What else does it say"
Willow looked back down at the ancient book and continued to read "As the seed of the overlords fall back into hell and victory appears to be within the grasp of the warriors of light the gateway shall be opened. Then comes the Armageddon, Then comes the Guardian to fight the Dark Lords."
It have been almost 10 minuets since Willow had read the last passage from the book of ages and still no one spoke. They had realized that no matter how hard they fought, no matter what action they took the Armageddon was coming.
"We can't stop it can we?" Buffy said with despair in her voice.
"Then Why fight, just dig a big hole and wait for the Guardian to show up" Piped in Xander.
"We can't" Was all the Slayer could say.
"And why not"
Willow spoke before Buffy could answer him, "Weren't you listening for the last couple of hours. These demons and vampires already here our coming. And they are coming for one purpose, to try and destroy Me and Buffy. If you want to get out of town I can't blame you, but the two of us can't" Willow's voice was filled with a mixture of sorrow and anger as she took her lovers hand in her own and held them up as she continued to speak "No matter were we go they will come, because if this book is right the Guardian will only come if the two of us are still here, and if he does not come they will win."
As Willow finished speaking she collapsed back into Buffy's arms. The slayer gently rocked the redheaded mage back and forth whispering in her ear that it would be O.K., but not knowing in her heart if it would.
Xander stood up and walked over to them. His voice was filled with sincerity when he spoke, "I am not going any where, You guys are my friends and supported me when no one else would, You can count me in:"
Slowly person by person everyone in the room got up and walked over to Buffy and Willow each on expressing Xander's sentiments, each one ready to stand beside them no matter what the cost.
"This is great, but this is also our fight. We can not asked you guys to fight with us" Buffy said as Willow nodded her head in agreement.
It was Giles who spoke, "Your not asked, we are. Let us help you"
The two looked at one another, then Willow spoke, "O.K. but we need to come up with a plan, and we need to get my parents and Buffy's Mom out of town. Neither one of us wants them any where close to this place when all of this starts to go down"
Xander and Anya had left to go get a list of supplies that Giles and Wesley had come up with. Angel and Spike were now in the living following a lengthy process of securing all of Giles doors and covering all the window in order to avoid any accidental exposure to sun light. Giles living room had become a war planning room however they did not have the hardest task at hand. On the other side of town Willow and Buffy stood on the porch to Joyce Summers house, the time had come for both sets of parents to learn what had happened over the last few days.
"Buffy, Willow come in"
"Thanks Mom"
"Yeah, thanks Mrs. Summers"
"So what earns me this visit"
"Mom you had better take a seat" Buff's voice was filled with anxiety as she spoke and Joyce Summers was quick to pick up on it, "We have a couple of big surprises for you, and I know you are not going to like the one and I am not sure if your going to be that happy about the other"
Joyce sat in a chair across from Buffy and Willow who were sitting on the couch. As she looked at the two young women and how they had taken each others hand almost immediately upon sitting down she was able to quickly determine that there was definitely something going on between the two. "So I take it this visit has something to do with the two if you and not some really bad slayer news"
"Well Mom that would be a yes and a no. I am n love with Willow and she is in love with me"
"Are the two of you happy"
"Yes" answered both girls in unison.
"Then I am glad for you, now what about this slayer news"
"Your happy for us, I was so afraid you wouldn't understand" "Listen, your my daughter and Willow is a very nice girl. I will care for you and respect your life style, the only thing that matters is that you are happy. And if you are going to be in a relationship with another girl I am glad it is Willow"
"Thanks Mom"
"Yeah Thanks Mrs. Summers"
"Buffy, I do recall that you said there was some slayer type news" Joyce's voice was filled with dread as she spoke those words. If there was slayer news it usually met that her daughter was in danger our about to leap into the face of danger.
Joyce sat there is shock as the two girls explained the prophecy that was unfolding. They had ask her to leave town for her own safety, and said they would contact her when it was safe to come back. She looked at the two of them and her heart filled with grief over what they had to face, she didn't want to leave the two girls but knew that if she stayed they would be worrying about her when there minds needed to be totally focused on the task at hand, and that could cost them their lives. She agreed to be on the first bus out of Sunnydale. At the two girls request she had accompanied them to the Rosenburg's house. They accepted there daughters relationship with Buffy fairly well, but really freaked out over the Slayer, Mage, End of the world issue. After a very long and heated argument they came to accept that which they had spent the last several years trying to ignore. Sunnydale was not all it was cracked up to be and there daughter and her friend were caught up in the middle of it.
It was Willow's mom who first admitted that what they were saying was true. "I realize that there are theses demons and monsters that walk the night in this town. I also realize that Buffy is a very special girl and forced to battle them, But what the two of you are talking about is beyond anything that has ever happened even in Sunnydale. If you want us to leave for our own safety then we will, but I beg of you two come with us."
Mr. Rosenburg put his hands on his wife's shoulders and looked at the two lovers, "Yes, come with us. If This is going to happen we don't want you caught up in the middle of it"
"We can't, if we leave Sunnydale they will only follow us." Willow's words were filled with sorrow over the hand fate had dealt her and her new found love, "This time it is not Sunnydale that is attracting the evil. It is us, they are coming to try to get rid of us before the gateway is open"
It was now Buffy's turn to speak, "Please Mr. and Mrs. Rosenburg , get out of here why you still can. We will manage to survive this somehow and when it is over send for you"
The Rosenburg's looked to their daughter and her girlfriend and with a heavy heart agreed to leave town immediately.
They had seen the Rosenburg's and Joyce Summers off and Giles and Wesley had managed to come up with a rather brilliant plan. They had set up camp in the old mansion, manly because it was kind of out of the way, and the likely hood of your normal everyday Sunnydale resident being out there at night was not that High. It was now stocked with a arsenal of vampire slaying materials. Water guns loaded with holy water, more stakes than they could count, and a large assortment of crossbows, swords, and battle axes. They were now as ready to face the blood moon as they were going to get, and tomorrow night was the full moon.
Chapter 6: The Blood moon
They all sat inside the mansion each one not knowing the words to say to comfort their friends. Willow had spent the last half hour casting protection spells over all of them and now they just sat there, each of them armed to the teeth and waiting. Giles was standing by the window watching the sky as the sun began to set. Silently his mind wondered Off in the corner Buffy sat back leaned up against the wall. Willow sat in her lap, their arms wrapped around each other, as they telepathically reassured other that everything would work out, that they and their friends would survive this.
The Realm of Shadows:
The army now stood in formation as there commanders briefed them on the upcoming war. Talon and his messenger stood on the balcony overlooking the enormous courtyard that the army had gathered in.
"The army is ready my Lord"
"Good, you have done well my friend." Spoke the Guardian of the chosen his voice filled with distraction
The messenger looked at him and saw that he was not looking at his army but beyond them to the heavens, His eyes laced with worry. "What is wrong my Lord, You seem troubled"
"Tonight brings the Blood Moon to the mortal realm."
"You are concerned for the warriors of light"
"Yes, my friend they will survive but the price they pay for their destiny will be great"
"How great will the price be"
"That remains to be seen, all we can do now is say a prayer on their behalf to the Goddess and wait for our appointed hour"
As a crimson moon hung high in the night sky over the Hellsmouth, a shout was heard through the mansion. Angel was running down the stairs with Spike right behind him "There coming from the East"
Buffy and Willow ran out onto front to see what looked like about a hundred, mostly vampires with a mixture of assorted demons marching towards the mansion. Buffy Held a sword in one hand a Mr. Pointy in another. Willow raised Her hands in the air and a Dark storm cloud filled the night sky. Buffy shouted back to their friends "This is it, take up your positions".
Spike And Angel took a defensive posture one on each side of the girls, each bearing a broad sword. Xander, Anya, Giles, and Wesley all armed with crossbows and a rather large supply of stakes stood behind them aiming at the on coming sea of darkness. The other five members of the Watchers counsel were spread out through the first floor of the mansion armed with rather powerful water guns filled with holy water just in case the army of darkness that was approaching them got creative and decided to attack from more than one front. Then it happened, a demon screamed out "For the Dark Lords" And the unholy army charged the mansion. Willow swept her hand through the air above her head and lighting filled the night sky. Each bolt striking into the core of the advancing army. The crossbows let loose with there ammo each on hitting its mark and reducing a vampire to dust.
A scream was heard from within the mansion "There is more of them coming from the back".
Xander and Wesley rushed into the house to aid the others. As Giles and Anya continued to fire their crossbows into the demon army with deadly accuracy. Willow raised her hand to the sky again and a fire ball five foot in diameter appeared above her and with a flick of her wrist it went sailing through the air striking the advancing forces in their core and sending several of their number back to hell.. Within the confined of the mansion Xander, Wesley and the others were quickly picking off and eliminating a force of 15 vampires who had tried to sneak in the back way and ambush them.
The army had now advanced far enough were they would have to go into hand to hand combat. Buffy took a fighting stance in front of Willow and engaged a rather large green slimy demon. Spike and Angel had there hand full fending of several vampires who had advanced with the demon. Buffy was getting in several good hits on the Demon when an opening appeared and with one powerful swing she slashed the beast in two, but as soon as she did it two more just like him were upon her.
Xander and the others ran out onto the porch to find that their friends had dropped their crossbows and were now heaving water balloons filled with holy water like hand grenades at the vampires who were trying to overrun the porch. Xander dropped his crossbow and grabbed a large wooden spear and began impaling the advancing vamps as they approached, Wesley grabbed a sword and charged a vamp slicing his head of and reducing him to dust. The others just started firing their water weapons at any vamp they could aim at.
Buffy had managed to slay the two demons only to be charged by five vampires. Willow screamed out "No", and a bolt of lighting shot from her hand reducing two of them to dust. The other Three were temporally stunned and Buffy took the opportunity to stake them quickly before they could regain there senses. She then engaged a red horned demon with reptilian like skin and razor like claws for hands.
Wesley fought valiantly but he had managed to get surrounded by vampires. Giles grabbed a long sword. He and Xander rushed to Wesley's aid. Slicing at the small group that surrounded him, being sure to decapitate each one turning them to the dust they deserved to be. The last remaining vampire in the group that had attacked Wesley managed to knock Giles down only to be turned to dust by Xander. They looked at Wesley lying there on the ground then at each other, they were to late, he was gone.
Willow saw it happen out of the corner of her eye as she shot beams of energy at the remaining vamps in front of them. Angel was fighting a rather large and hairy demon and doing quit well when another vamp jumped him from behind ramming a stake into him. In a flash he was gone. She yelled "Let there be fire" and the demon and vamp burst into flames. Buffy was still fighting furiously trying to keep the demons from getting past her, to her beloved. The demon managed to knock her down , but when he went to jump on top off her she lunged her sword forward impaling him through the chest. She looked around her there were no others to fight.
Then Anya screamed "There's more coming from the west". They spun around to see another advancing unholy army this one bigger than the one before.
"Hold you ground" Buffy screamed. Willow sent several fire balls flying into the Demon army as everyone but Buffy and Spike took up crossbows and began firing into the advancing mass. Buffy stood on one side of Willow and Spike on the other each with sword in hand ready to fight the advancing forces.
Several vampires hand managed to get past the fireballs and all the stakes being shot and were now fighting Buffy and spike. As Willow continued to send her magical fireballs into the advancing forces Buffy had her was fighting three vamps, while seven had went after Spike after all to them he was a traitor. He managed to dispose of four of them before He was dealt his fate. The remaining there immediately went to attack Willow who was successfully taking out the rest of there comrades with her fire balls. As the first one went to grab her he was met with Mr. Pointy through the chest, Buffy had already finished off the other vamps. The Slayer then connected with a round house sending another vamp flying backwards, but before he could get up he was hit with a water balloon filled with holy water. The other vamp aggressively attacked the Slayer but she countered everyone of his moves and in in under a minuet he found himself laying on the ground as a stake was thrust into his heart.
Suddenly a dozen or so vamps stormed onto the porch from inside the mansion, taking the others by surprise. Before Buffy could respond to that ten more vamps rushed from across the street. Xander, Giles, and Anya were able to successfully get of the porch but there new friends from England were not so lucky. They had not seen the vampires burst through the door and never had a chance. Xander And Anya threw holy water balloons at their foe on the porch as Anya fired her crossbow at them.
Buffy Charged the vampires who had come from across the street, fighting as she had never fought before and it was only a matter of minuets before they were eliminated. She looked back to that there was about twenty vamps left but they were rapidly retreating. Willow Was sending lighting strikes at them trying to prevent as much of them from getting away as she could. Finally the ones that remained had escaped into the darkness off the night.
"We got to get inside Willow, and regroup" Buffy spoke
With that the they went inside to regroup and get ready for whatever else that was yet to come, there were still four and half hours still sunrise.
"Giles were do we stand on supplies."
"Buffy, were out of holy water, and starting to run low on stakes" The ex-watcher paused for a second then spoke, "Wesley and the others from England are dead"
"So are Angel and Spike, how about the others"
"Just minor cuts and bruises, Anya and went up stairs took keep an eye out for any advancing demons, and Xander is gathering the stakes we have left together"
"How are we going to survive this" "I don't know"
Willow took Buffy in her arms, her voiced was filled with tenderness and love "We will make it Buffy, somehow we will survive this." Suddenly Willow took a step back, "Buffy your hurt"
She could see that her Beloved hand several cut marks all over here and a rather nasty gash on the her forehead. Willow reached out and touched Buffy on the Shoulder and her hand began to radiate a golden energy that seemed to cover the slayers body and within seconds her wounds were healed. Then Willow hugged Buffy and she returned the hug. Only to be interrupted by a cry from up stairs. "There back with reinforcements" Anya shouted as he ran down the stairs crossbow in hand.
"How many" Buffy and Willow asked in unison
"Looks to be about twenty or so vamps and about ten demons coming from the same way the others retreated"
Before they could even get to the front door the vamps that Anya had spotted came bursting through it and immediately charged the group.
"Fall back " Shouted Buffy as she tossed two stakes through the air taking out the first two vamps through the door. The group ran out towards the back off the house with the vamps and demons in tow. As the reached the outside of the Mansion Willow spun around, raising her hand in the air she sent the whole place up into flames. Three of the demons managed to get out of the house before it was consumes in fire. Buffy was on them immediately using every skill she had as a slayer and disposing two of them rather quickly the third however was becoming quite a problem. She was successfully blocking all of his attacks but he was just successful in countering hers. Then he managed to knock her down, but before she could get back up he was hit with a powerful bolt of lighting and instantly vaporized.
"Thanks" Said Buffy Smiling at her girlfriend.
"Your welcome, but be got to get out of here this fire is getting out of control" Willow said as she reached her hand out to help Buffy up.
Giles shouted to the group as they made there way over the mansions wall, "It's plan b. We need to get to the mausoleum there are more weapons and supplies stashed there, but we got to get there quickly."
As they made there way towards the cemetery on the outskirts of town they could see what looked like several buildings burning and the road was packed with cars that were making a mass exodus from Sunnydale. Buffy looked at the group "Looks like they're wrecking havoc in town."
After several minuets and about five skirmishes with small bands of vampires they finally made it to the Mausoleum, and gathered the supplies that Giles has stashed there. "What now" questioned Xander.
"We go into town, that would appear were they are now" Buffy spoke as her eyes focused on the flames that were coming from town.
"Into town" asked a nervous Xander.
"Well it is that or stay here in a cemetery and wait for them on their own turf"
"Town it is"
As they reached the edge of the cemetery they could see them. It looked like there were about a hundred or so vamps and no demons headed towards them leaving behind a burning Sunnydale. They took up a fighting position and were preparing to fire on the vampires when Willow spoke up "Wait, everyone get behind me and Buffy now, I have an idea"
Buffy looked at her redhead mage and smiled "What's the plan"
"I can stop them before they get her, but I need your help to do it"
"Just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it, I'll always be there for you"
"We need to form the link between us."
With that said Buffy looked into Willow's eyes and opened her mind to her love. Willow took Buffy's hand in hers and raised them to the sky. They were seeing once again into each others mind, and Buffy could feel her energy being transferred into Willow. Willow raised her other hand towards the vampires and there was a great flash directly in front of the approaching dark horde. Buffy almost collapsed into Willow's arms but the young mage was able to hold up her beloved. The rest of the group ran over to see if they were O.K. and also immediately noticed that all the vampires they were getting ready to fight were gone.
"What just happened here" asked Giles, expressing the question that was on everyone's mind.
Willow looked at Him and the others, her arms still wrapped around Buffy who was starting to feel a little bit stronger. "By the two of us linking our minds together I was able to combined my magic with Buffy's slaying power to destroy them before they became a threat"
A very confused Xander looked at the two girls, "Then why didn't you do that before"
"Because it Considerably weakens Buffy, and it is a pretty big drain on my magical energy. Just after a few times of doing that spell she would no longer be able to fight and my magical abilities would be significantly reduced. Then Where would we be. That was the third full scale attack we seen tonight and were still a few hours away from sunrise"
Everyone in the group stood there in silence for a few moments then Xander spoke "I`m sorry I didn't know"
"It's O.K. this night has been rough on all of us" replied the mage.
Silently they followed Buffy and Willow into Sunnydale. The town looked like a war zone. Buildings were burning everywhere and there was no one to put them out. The dead lined the streets, some had been taken by vampires others by demons. It really did not matter though how they died for they were dead. Over turned cars and emergency response vehicles littered the streets and the buildings that weren't burning had been vandalized. The streets were almost abandoned, every now and then they would come along the one or two people who were frantically throwing their most valued keep sakes in a car or van. Every time they met such a person the message they received was the same, "Everyone is leaving, get out why you still can." Finally they made their way to Giles house to find that it had been burnt to the ground, they got the same results at both of the girls parents houses.
"My God, What happened here"
"Giles, I don't think God had anything to do with what happened here" Buffy replied.
"It finally happened" Xander said his voice filled with sorrow over the destruction of his boyhood home
"What finally happened" asked Willow
"The Hellmouth has consumed Sunnydale"
There were no words of comfort they could offer him. They all felt his pain in there hearts as they looked around and saw what Sunnydale, their home, had become. It was a virtual ghost town burning in the night under the blood moon. They continued their walk through the abandoned streets of what used to be Sunnydale in silence, each of them morning the lost of their home and their allies, would this night ever end. Every now and then they would come accrosed on or two vamps or demons. If they saw their adversary first they slayed him and if the demon saw them first it would flee. For what they could make of things the majority of the vampires and demons that had not been slain had retreated.
Then it happened as it always had in the past darkness gave way to light and the sun rose. The group stood together in the center of town watching the sunrise over what had once been Sunnydale. They were glad to see the sunrise but it didn't help to lift their heavy hearts, the night had cost so much. Angel, Wesley, Spike, and their new allies from England had perished at the hands of the demon armies, and from the looks of things so had several hundred of Sunnydales residents. They were the only people left in Sunnydale.
Willow Spoke, "Giles we have a favor to ask of you"
Giles looked at the two girls who were leaning up against one another as to keep each other from falling., "What can I do for you"
"You and the others to leave this place immediately, we will contact you as soon as you can"
"I am not leaving the two of you here by yourselves"
"You must, The blood moon has ended and now we must stand before the Hellsmouth to summon the Guardian to fight the Armageddon, and we must do it alone."
"I can't allow that"
"You have no choice in the matter, it is how it is written in the Book of Ages. We all heard the words as I read them and knew what they met. You and the others have done all you can do, there is nothing else left but the Armageddon."
Before Giles could respond to Willow she simply raised her hand and all he saw was a bright flash of light. When he was able to refocus his eyes he knew they were no longer in the remains of Sunnydale. He and the rest of the group minus Buffy and Willow were now standing outside the Hotel in LA that both the girls parents had went to stay in and wait for their respective daughters to tell them it was safe to come home again. His mind shivered at that thought. Giles looked at the group and spoke, "There is only one thing for us to do now"
"What is that" questioned Xander
"Find their parents and bring them up to speed on what happened and assure them that Buffy and Willow are safe"
"Can't we go back to Sunnydale to help them"
"They would only send us away again, there is nothing we can do to help them "
Back in Sunnydale the two soul mates walked side by side, holding hands, slowly making their way towards the high school and their destiny.
The Realm of Shadows:
"My Lord you sent for me"
"Yes, They have survived the Blood Moon, the remaining demon seed has retreated back into hell. The price was high just as I feared it would be. They lost friends and allies and saw their home destroyed"
"What can we do for them my Lord"
"There is nothing that we can do now. The blood moon has ended and now the war is to begin"
"Then it comes, my Lord"
"When the sun sets tonight the gateway will be opened, so shall be the Armageddon"
Los Angeles:
The three of them had found The Rosenburgs and Joyce Summers sitting in a hotel room glued to the TV. A report from action news was speaking, behind her you could see several military trucks blockading one of the roads leading into Sunnydale. "Initial reports are very sketchy, there has apparently been several large and devastating explosions in the town o Sunnydale. The govern has called in the national guard to seal off the area and help contain the fires that are burning out of control. We do not have any information at this time on how many people were injured or killed though through eye witness accounts the federal government is estimating the death toll to be several hundred. If you have family in Sunnydale please contact your local red cross for assistance. Shelter for the Sunnydale evacuees are being set up in all of the surrounding areas. Please do not try to go to Sunnydale, it has been sealed off as the source of these devastating explosions is being investigated. Please stay tuned we will bring you updates on this tragic story as they occur"
"Giles, were are they" Joyce Summers voice was filled with fear as her mind imagined the worst possible fate for her daughter and Willow. The same fear and dread could be seen in the eyes of the Rosenburgs.
"They are alright. The two of them made us leave and told us to let the three of you know that they survived the Blood moon and are fine."
"Then why are they not here" Shouted an agitated Mr. Rosenburg
"It is not over for them yet, they still have to summon the guardian so he can prevent the end of the world"
Giles words did little to put the girls parents mind at ease, hell they couldn't even put his own mind at ease. So along with Xander and Anya he joined the three parents, setting in front of a TV watching as reports of Sunnydale came in and praying that Buffy and Willow were still alive.
The two of them lay side by side holding on to one another within the burnt out confides that used to be Sunnydale High. They professed their love for one another, and made some small talk. Mostly they just held each other in silence as they waited for the night to come.
As the sun set over the California shoreline the earth beneath the Hellsmouth began to shake with the rage off a large scale earthquake. Buffy and Willow ran outside to see that the Hellsmouth was splitting at the seam. A Thick black smoke with the smell of sulfur was pouring out of it as flames shot several hundred feet in the air all along the Hellsmouth. Every structure still standing was around it was being consumed by the Hellsmouth, falling into its darkness. The thick smoke from the Hellsmouth filled the night sky blocking out the moon and stars, the only light they could use to see with was from the flames of the abyss that was opening before them. The opened earth itself seemed to have a vile red glow to it, that emanated the very essence of evil. The gateway was opening and the Dark Lords were coming with their minions.
The two soul mates clung to one another crying out for the Guardian as the first demons began to emerge from the underworld. The ground around them began to glow a bright blue light and a large porthole covering several hundred feet opened up in front of them. As more demons emerge from the gateway a deafening war cry was heard, "In the name of the ancient realm we send you back to hell".
With it what seemed to be thousands of warriors stormed through the porthole and charged into the heart of the rapidly growing army of the Dark Lords. The warriors all wore black armoire, some with long swords, others crossbows, and some with battle axes. They charged into the face of the demon army, and both girls knew that it had begun.
They stood there watching the battle rage as the army cut into the demons, attacking them as soon as they emerged. Buffy wielded her sword and was ready to join them in the fight when a voice spoke to them, "Chosen one of light this is not your fight"
Buffy and Willow both looked to their left to see that the Guardian and his messenger now stood next to them. Talon continued to speak, You have done so much already and paid such a high price. I can not let you fight with my army, this battle is mine"
"Then what are we to do" Willow asked the guardian wanting to get Buffy as far away from this fight as she her magic could allow her.
Accompany my messenger back to the shadow realm, you will be safe there and with this crystal you will be able to see the battle as it rages"
Buffy sheathed her sword and once again took Willow's hand as they followed the messenger through the porthole which closed instantaneously behind them. The three of them now stood very much alone in the great hall of the shadow realm. Willow held her hand out and the crystal floated into the air above it and activated.
There were thousands of them, Every type of demon imaginable and some even beyond imagination had emerged from the Hellsmouth. The army of shadows was fighting as no army has ever fought, each warrior bravely standing their ground against the onslaught of darkness. For every demon that they slayed there was another to take his place. Both demon and warriors were falling either to there doom or their reward. Talon had summoned a powerful lighting storm that was striking into the dark lords forces vaporizing demons with each deadly strike, as his warriors continued with the fight cutting away at the masses of the dark army.
Then , two rather large figures standing over seven feet high cloaked in black appeared behind the demon army. Their skin that was visible seemed to be dark crimson. In their eyes you could see the fires of hell burn and smoke seemed to pour off of their bodies. The Dark Lords now stood on the earth. Talon lifted his hand to the air and vanished reappearing several feet before the Dark Lords.
The warriors held there ground not allowing the demons to advance. they were now out numbered three to one but that did not matter to them they had to win they could not allow what happened to Sunnydale during the blood moon to happen to the entire mortal realm. The demons fought like the beast they were hacking and clawing at the warriors. The warriors countered the demons moves and struck back with all the skill and power they could muster, using all the abilities they had spent their lifetime learning.
Both of talon's hand were radiating a bright blue glow as two powerful bots shot from them striking both the Dark Lords throwing them back several feet. The these two masters of hell did not fall. One of them opened his mouth and instead of words came flames that engulfed talon but the magical energy that radiated from the Guardian kept the fires of the demons breath from burning him. The other Dark Lord waved his hand in from of him and a animated blade appeared and flew through the air towards the Guardian. Talon put his hand in from of him in a defensive poster and the blade dissipated before it could strike him. He then spoke several words in the tongue of ancient man producing a fireball that was over twenty feet in diameter and sent it hurling through the air at the Dark Lords. Their bodies only absorbed the fire and with outreached hand they sent it flying back to the messenger, who once again was protected from the flames heat by the magic that surrounded him.
The Warriors had lost a fourth of the force, but had inflicted even greater damage on the Dark Lords forces. They were almost evenly numbered when more demons started pouring out of the Hellsmouth. The fight raged on. Over here a demon lost his head to the battle axe of a warrior, and another had a long sword thrust though his dark heart. One warrior was greeted by the razor like armed of a eight foot horned demon, one second he was in the heat of battle and the next in the presents of the ancient Gods of man joining his already fallen brothers in the forever.
Talon and the Dark Lords continued their war of magic. One of the dark lords stretched his hands out and a huge disembodied hand appeared and grabbed the Guardian trying to crush him within its grasp. talon simply vanished and reappeared outside the hands grasp. He then made a waving motion at the hand and it vanished. talon then looked the Dark Lords in the eyes, Raising his hand to the heavens, and a thick blue fog surrounded the two dark over Lords. The clouds acidic properties began eating away at the Dark Lords garments and exposed flesh Talon the waved his left hand towards one of the Dark Over Lords. And Electricity shot from it striking him then arcing off to hit the other. Slowly the cloud dissipated and one of the Dark Lords lay on the ground gasping for air.
The warriors and demons continued to battle. Most of the demons in the first wave had been slain and the second wave was proving not to be as strong as the first, but they were down to half their force. Still they continued with the battle slicing through demons and fielding of their attacks.
The dark Lord that was standing eyes turned completely red and beams of energy shot from his eyes knocking the guardian to the ground, talon got back up limping and bleeding. He then closed his eyes and brought his hand together, as he did that the shadows around the dark Lords came to life and attacked the one who was still standing. Talon then looked at the dark Lord that was writhing on the ground and produced what appeared to be the shadow of a fire ball and flung it to the Dark Lord on the ground and it consumed him sending him back into the abyss were he belonged.
The third wave of Demons burst from the Hellsmouth but it appeared that a good part of them were already wounded. The dismiss of one of the Dark Lords was weakening there seed and the powers they could use in the mortal realm. The Warriors weakened in their number and battered from the previous two assaults however continued to fight. Even in their battered state they were able to easily assault this wave of weaken demons.
The Dark Lord had managed to fend of his shadow attackers but they had wounded him, he was bleeding black blood from his left shoulder and chest. He screamed out in anger at the guardian and charged swinging like a mad man. Talon threw his hand forward and a unseen force sent the Dark Lord flying backwards. The Dark Lord quickly jumped to his feet, raising his hand in the air the ground beneath Talon began to fall into the Hellsmouth. the Guardian levitated up into the air floating to solid ground and lowered himself. As he did a blue orb appeared above his head. Lighting seemed to fill the inside of it and he thrust it towards the Dark Lord striking in square in the chest. As the orb it the lighting streaked out over the dark Lords body dropping him to his knees. Using on of his arms to support him he looked to Talon and once again the red beams shot at the guardian throwing him to the ground. Talon crawled slowly back to his feet, He was having trouble standing and his breath was labored. He raised his hands to the sky and a golden aura surrounded his body, and in a instant his wounds were healed.
The warriors had fought off and defeated the third horde of demons. Now they waited for the next assault but it did not come. The Hellsmouth was quite, it did not radiate its evil energy, and the flames that shot from it were gone. The smoke that had filled the sky was now gone and they could see the stars. They were glad that it was closing for they had already lost half of there brothers in arms and they were battered and torn. Weary from the battle they stood there on the edge of the Hellsmouth and watched as Talon battled the remaining Dark Lord.
The Dark Lord once again tried to hit Talon with the magic of his eyes, but as soon as they glowed red white bolts shot from Talon's outstretched hand blinding the Dark Lord. He then produced a bright yellow orb above his head that projected a heat from it so intense the warriors standing on the other side of the Hellsmouth had to take a few steps back. He threw both his hand forward and the org swept through the night sky and consumed the Dark Lord in its power. All that was left was a rather large and deep crack in the earth were the Hellsmouth once stood. The War had been won.
The Realm Of Shadow:
Buffy and Willow stood in the great hall along side the messenger. The crystal and went returned to its natural state as soon as Talon had defeated the remaining Dark Lord. Then a small porthole opened up before them and Talon walked through it.
"The Armageddon is over, the victory is ours, but the price was high"
"I now my Lord, many of our brethren perished for the cause"
"Yes, but their deaths were not in vain. No longer can demons from hell enter the realm of man. The gateway that was sealed in our victory was the last Hellsmouth to the mortal realm from now and forever."
Talon then looked at Buffy and Willow, "Soul mates of light the price you have paid is also high. you have seen friend slain, and your homes destroyed but no this that with great cost comes great reward."
"I don't understand what your talking about" Replied Willow with Buffy nodding in agreement.
"Yes, I see I have much to explain before I send you back to your family and friends."
Chapter 8: Standing on the edge of forever
The six of them sat in the Hotel room in silence waiting for them to return. The news reports were coming in rapidly, apparently a rather large earthquake had hit what remained of Sunnydale destroying what was left of their home, but they knew better, they knew the truth. All the sudden a blue light radiated from the far side of the room quickly taking the shape of a door way, and tears of pure joy filled their eyes as Buffy and Willow stepped through it, they had survived but something had changed. They all could sense it, something about the two girls was different now.
"Your O.K." Said Joyce Summers as her and the Rosenburgs got up and went to hug their daughters.
"That is an understatement" Replied Buffy
The group hugged on another for over a half hour. It was Giles who spoke the words that were on everyone's mind, "What is going on with the two of you"
Several minuets later they once again sat in silence, stunned at what they had been told. One word kept echoing in their mind, Immortal.
They spent the next several days mourning over fallen friends and trying to get used to the life that had been placed before them. It seemed that Talon, Guardian of the Chosen, had spent the last several hundred years sending various agents to the mortal realm to establish secret trust accounts throughout the word and making very shrewd business deals. The Goddess gift had made Buffy and Willow forever, and Talons gift assured that none of them would ever have to worry about money again. He had even shown Willow how to use her abilities as a mage to foretell the stock market. The greatest news however was that the battle had ended it all. There were to be no more Hellsmouths, no more vampires and demons to fight. When the age of Chaos had ended so had the evil forces that had plagued the world.
They were all planning their future but one thing was for certain even if they rebuilt it none of them were going back to Sunnydale. The girls parents had spent the last couple of days trying to convince them that even immortals needed a college education and they were overjoyed when the two girls relented and agreed to go to UCLA after a year off of course, they had earned that.
Willow sat on the hotel room her and her one true love were currently sharing until they got a place of their own. She was nervously anticipating Buffy's return, clenching tightly to the ring box that was in her jacket pocket.
Buffy walked through the door smiling that beautiful smile of hers. Before Willow could say anything the love of her life spoke, "We need to Talk"
"I agree", This would be as good a time as any she thought as she clutched the box that contained the engagement ring she had brought for Buffy.
Buffy sat down next to Willow and for a few seconds they just looked at each other. She then reached into her pocket to produce an engagement ring only to see that Willow was holding a similar one in her hands. They looked at each other and in unison said, "Will you marry Me"
They then looked at one another slipping the rings they held on each others fingers, words were not necessary the both knew the others answer to the question that had been asked.
The Days leading up to the wedding were hectic. Joyce Summers had brought a townhouse on the outskirts of San Francisco and was opening an art gallery there, it was something she had always dreamed of doing. Giles had found a place in Los Angels and was spending all of his time reading the great books that he had been neglected by his watcher duties. He was immersed in the works of Dickens, Emerson, all they greats. The Rosenburgs had set up hose in San Francisco and were restarting their prospective practices. To everyone's surprise and delight Xander and Anya moved into an apartment together and were getting ready to attend UCLA in the fall.
The only bad news that had come since that faithful night in Sunnydale was that Buffy's Dad refused attend the wedding. He could not accept the fact that she was involved and getting married to another woman.
"It's not far, He is suppose to understand", cried a upset slayer.
"Forget about him Buffy, if he can not accept us then forget about him" Willow spoke, her words filled with anger, both of her parents were so understanding how come Buffy's Dad couldn't see that they completed one another, that they were happy together.
"but it hurts in side"
"I know but we will get through this, together"
"Till the end of time then some"
Buffy smiled as she looked at her beloved, "I love you"
"And I love you" Willow said as she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Buffy's cheek"
Buffy looked at Willow and spoke, "Well there is only one thing to do then"
"And what might that be" Willow said as she watched Buffy get up and walk over to the phone.
"The thing that feels most right" With that she walked over to the phone and began to dial.
Willow watched as Buffy started to talk to whoever she had called and as soon as she heard her love speak she knew that it was defiantly the best ting to do. Buffy's words were simple "Giles, I was wondering if you would give me away"
San Francisco
They all had gathered there in the park, and stood there watching as Giles walked Buffy Down the isle followed by Willow and her father. There wasn't a dry eye in the placed as they listen to the wedding vows being said.
"Do You Buffy take Willow to be your Wife"
"I Do"
"And do you Willow take Buffy to be your wife"
"And by the power invested in me I pronounce you Buffy and Willow Rosenburg-Summers"
Buffy and Willow then lifted their veils and gently kissed one another as everyone attending broke out into applause. It was with that kiss they closed the final chapter on their old lives. All those years of vampire slaying, all the battles they had fought, all the pain they had felt, were all gone in a instant with a simple kissed that bound them to one another from now through all eternity.
2356: New Chicago
Willow Rosenburg-Summers smiled as she looked accrosed the room of their house at her lovely ageless wife. It had taken the two of them a while to get used to the idea of immortality. The hardest part was when they began losing there friends and family, but they had seen each other through it. She was glad that Buffy's father reconciled with his daughter before time took him, it made it easier on her beloved that way. They both were comforted by the thought that their loved ones were with the Goddess watching over them.
"A penny for your thoughts" Buffy asked the women she loved who for a second seemed to be lost in her own thought.
"I was just dwelling on the last three hundred years or so"
"And I was thinking about our old friend and family"
"I think somebody needs a hug", With that said Buffy got up and walked over to Willow giving her a humungous hug.
"Do you feel like visiting them again", Willow asked
"Buffy stepped back from her wife reaching out her hand to Willow and said, "Shall We"
With that Willow got up took Buffy's hand in her own and with her other hand opened up a porthole into the afterlife as she had done so many times before so they could visit once again with those who had left this realm. As they walked through the porthole Willow thought to herself being an immortal mage does have its advantages.
The End